The right needs to find a better contingency plan in case of Hillary’s early passing. Maxine waters is not good replacement. She’s too silly to be a villan.
She’s as much the face of the democratic party as Louis Gohmert is of the republicans. Both sides have loons that say dumb things. She’s apparently doing what her constituents want as she has been reelected many times.
And Trump is the face of the GOP. A man who has lied, cheated, stole, and manipulated everyone that he needed to in order to achieve that goal. You can complain about Maxine all that you’d like. She has a long history of idiocy. But you might want to get some medical attention for that beam in your own eye before you try to wander up that high road.
Seems to me libs get offended when I say Maxine Waters is face of democrat party but have no problem painting republicans/conservatives with some extreme member.
The notion of Trumpists calling out an entire opposition party for the stupidities of a Representative when they eagerly line up behind a president that elevates idiocy, buffoonery, and boobery to the level of performance art is just too rich.
I think she represents your typical lib. Comey is bad person except when he’s talking about Trump.
Just like most forum libs. They all hated Comey in Nov and wanted him fired. But after trump fired him Comey became Libs hero…and they haven’t stop loving him since.
I didn’t hate Comey in 2016. I wasn’t happy that the case was reopened a week before the election, but that wasn’t Comey’s fault it was Hillary’s for having been careless with her emails and Huma for sending them to her husbands computer. Comey was doing his job. Comey is pushing back at Trump because Trump has been trashing him.