I do not think unions are perfect, as they are made up of humans, and in general, many humans suck. Unions are the best way for the working class can collectively bargain a better deal.
Do you have a better way for the working class to be treated fairly?
All of these problems with the failing public education system caused me to begin researching things. I’m just getting started, but I have already come to one big picture conclusion:
Government’s goals and We, the people’s goals are not the same. They are actually competing goals.
We have been fed lines of BS propaganda for generations. Very much so since WWII. I suspect the success of the OSS and that they had all those geniuses laying around on the payroll might have had something to do with it.
It seems that whenever there is a cataclysmic event, the civil war, WWII, 9/11,Covid Hysteria…Government does a tectonic shift.
It appears to be insidious and camouflaged, so we don’t realize the impact for a generation or so-and as far as I can from my perspective, it ends up not being good for We, the people overall. Oh there are crumbs to distract us and get us to believe Government is benevolent. But it’s an illusion.
I ordered Weapons of Mass Instruction this morning. It’s a 2010 book written by a former NYC public school teacher. 14 years have passed, enough time to see if he was correct. I will report back.
When I was in school, we were taught Henry Ford was a great American. Henry Ford was evil. Just one example.
What we were told about The Bell Curve is another example.