Mass shooting in Dayton Ohio

And they had a network…like weve been saying

When people start grouping up what could come next if this don’t stop is far worse.

Good thing all these brain dead feeliacs are here to blame the tools. Understanding the actual causes are harder than punching the defenseless keyboard into the wee hours. lol

I think they are, regardless it’s no reason to remove a Constitutional right.

WHO did that, tried to minimize the racist aspect of it? That’s just the left projecting.

We know the cause of the fatalities in El Paso, gunshot wound…

We are primal by nature, we just want to think we’re above all that stuff.

Yes people have been empowered by him. Charlottesville to Daytona

This one was simple.

This guys manifesto stated he hated illegal immigrants and wanted to kill them.

White nationalism is a cancer.
but we can’t talk about it.

You guys talk about it everyday all day long. Who’s not allowed to discuss it?

He’ll be your Bible all day like that, too. :+1:

Since reading this forum, I have become a pro gun rights person. I never post about wanting to limit access or take away anyone’s guns or anything like that.

I also don’t have guns. I don’t want them, don’t need them. Not interested in them. But day-um, if I was a gun owner, I could see that with rights come responsibilities, and I would want to police my own group, maybe protect the rights of those at the other end of the trigger for awhile.

Instead, gun owners dance around with the same tired tropes about tools and aInT noboDdy takKEing mAh gUNZ.

Geezus, every shooter knows they’re going to get that cover.


Bet that shooter knew an internet full of feeliacs would be searching google for his manifesto too, sharing it with their buddies on multiple sites, quoting it like scripture to all who might read it.

Like feed for the livestock.


Socialism is 1000 times worse, but we have to deny that.

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Nobody on the right likes the shooter, or cover for him. The reason the right says nobody is taking our rights after one of these is the 1st thing the left says after every one of them is ban guns, & it’s within minutes of each shooting. The left starts that crap, the right responds to it.

The reason why I drudge this is same reason why I drudge terrorist acts. It’s not so much the act itself which is horrible in itself, but the consequences that follows what scares me even more.

It’s not just here look around at the people who are getting elected throughout the west, the rise of populism on both the right and left is taking place and the middle is falling apart. Italy and the Ukraine both elected former comedians as their leaders, although technically Ukraine isn’t the west but watch the upcoming elections in Spain and Estonia.

No its not. Its a matter of politics.

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Exactly how do we “Come to grips” with white supremacists and their supporters?

What do you want us to do, imprison them all? Define what you meant by that.