Mass shooting in Chicago but Defund the Police!

A better name would be 0.25% of BLM.

Let me refer you back to the Fed’s battling it out with organized crime from the 20’s on.

They are terrorists, even insurrectionists by any understood definition.

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It’s way less than 0.25%

So, when the government wages war against its iwn citizens, what is that called again?

Necessary force in the case of quelling insurrection and dealing with terrorists who have been terrorizing our cities for decades.

If we look at the American lives lost to Al Qeda in comparison to those lost to gang violence since just 911 the numbers are staggering on the side of the gangs.

Worse, they keep the people of their cities and neighborhoods in a constant state of fear.

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In my calculations I was being generous on the number of blacks killed unjustly by cops.

Last year of 12 possible cases only two held up.

0.00009% if Wildrose figure of 12 is correct per a population of 13,000,000 African Americans.

Please do refer me to the policies of the US federal government in the Twenties that treated gangsters like you want to.

Sure this will come as a shocker, but I know quite a bit about organized crime and police during Prohibition. If you’re just Googling rapidly, I’ll know.

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If there’s anything you can see as a big success, it was the feds in Chicago. They did after all manage to get Al Capone several whole years in prison and after that the Capone gang, which controlled the city of Cicero and a slice of Chicago, reorganized under more competent leadership and became the Chicago Outfit. The most monolithic and powerful organized crime syndicate in history that took a slice of virtually all illegal dollars not just in Chicago but almost every major city west of the Mississippi. The boss for near a half century, Tony Accardo, would never spend a single night in prison his whole life and die peacefully in his bed a multimillionaire.

Really it’s a stunning success story.

My calculations were based on the total number of blacks murdered + the number of blacks unjustly killed by cops (estimated). Then l took the number of blacks killed by cops unjustly divided by the total number of blacks killed unjustly (those murdered + killed by cops unjustly) × 100.

War on crime.

You seem enamored of gangs, man.

Something is seriously wrong with that.

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Et tu, tzu?

Gangs are criminals. Why don’t you want that stopped?

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I don’t think warfare ends organized crime. In fact, it’s really good for crime syndicates.

The way I see it let em kill one another and be done with it.

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Al Capone the Crip! Or was he a Latin King?

Get the non-combatants out of the zone and let them go at it. Put it on tv.

Al Capone was from New York City. He was part of the Five Points Gang and the Bowery Boys at various times but mostly worked for Frankie Yale before he went west to seek his fortune.

The gang the Capone gang and eventually the Chicago Outfit evolved out of, and was considered the Outfit “farm team” for decades, was the Forty-Two Gang. They were based out of the Italian ghetto called the Patch and you’d be hard pressed to find very many differences between them and say the Gangster Disciples today.

Treating American citizens even if they are crooks like we treated Al Qaeda or whoever overseas is the most reprehensible ■■■■ I’ve ever heard in my life and should be anathema to any strict constitutionalists, which y’all all claim to be.

I am sure President Joe Biden will fix things just like Obama did! well if you keep voting left this is what happens.

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