Mass migration in the UK (and elsewhere) has not been the utopian dream that the liberals promised

Speaking of France:

In France everyone is French but some are more French than others.

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What about all the problems and suffering that many US citizens already experience? What about all the problems and suffering that this open border approach is causing the US taxpayer as has been detailed here:

Do you believe that we are just a new government program away from fixing all the world’s suffering? All you guys were glowing about the first non-white female VP and how the country was going to benefit immensely from the magic that she would bring. She was specifically tasked as the border czar who was going to fix the issue by solving all the root causes of migration. How did that work out?

You don’t alleviate the suffering of citizens by making migrants suffer.

I haven’t said anything about fixing the world’s suffering.

Our official policy shouldn’t be inflicting cruelty onto desperate people. Like the plan that Stephen Miller is proposing if Trump wins the election to round up 20 million people and put them into massive detention camps on the border using funds redirected from military expenditures and mobilize the National Guard from States that support him to enforce this policy in States that don’t.

Do You have a link to that actual plan?

First that is a pay for site I am guessing there is no link to plan. Second I asked for a link to the plan not some opinion piece out of paper that challenges the View on accuracy and how far left they can move.

You don’t alleviate the consequences of illegals’ votes by making US citizens suffer.


You voted for it.


Lol you think that is a link to the plan it is another hit piece designed to influence people like you. They don’t change because you make it easy.

"The Biden-Harris campaign in a statement called Trump’s immigration plans “extreme, racist, cruel policies” that are “meant to stoke fear and divide us, betting a scared nation is how he wins this election.”

Tells you all you need to know.


Trump has publicly stated that he will day one dictator his way to mass deportations.

But this widely reported plan… it just seems so unlike him.

A serious question would be did she do anything? Anything at all? :thinking:

Silly laughter doesn’t count.

pai mei no2

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Lol so nothing

You don’t believe the reporting… I can’t change your mind on that.

Trump already redirected military funds to build the wall… so that isn’t out of left field. He said that he will deport all illegals… that is millions of people. He has called on States to send the National Guard in for border control. He has said he would bar immigration from Muslim countries… something that he tried to do in his first term. He has said that he would get rid of the globalists and communists from the US … even going so far as to have a new law to deal with Marxists who are citizens.

So I know… it all sounds so unlike him.

He did do and say those things. What he didn’t do is say he would round up 20 million people and put them in detention camps. So no I don’t believe the reporting. If he would have said that there would be do many links you could provide from every news source with the video you wouldn’t have to provide rabid left opinion pieces . They make money off of people like you. You are their target audience.

Rounding up every illegal immigrant in the US is a logistical impossibility.

Very true, putting 1 million people let alone 20 million in a detention camp is too, even if they could round them up.