Masking for Evah!

Schools require multiple vaccinations now, only a matter of time until Covid vaccinations are required too.

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I don’t have a dog in that fight, no school age kids. If I did, I would be pulling them out of public school anyway.

“But it’s the Trump vaccine! Why aren’t you programmed the same way we are??”

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Be interesting to see what happens between mandatory vaccinations and CT praxis.

May be enough to galvanize school choice.

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It depends on the district… Each district will need to decide. Not the feds. The feds cannot order someone to get a shot.

It was stated at 90% effectiveness.


At this point, I think the best we can do is just wait for the next virulent infectious disease, and hope it is deadly enough to knock sense back into people.

There’s not many people left who remember things like small pox scars and iron lungs. We are truly victims of our own success.


I’m pretty sure every state requires at least MMR vaccination. Why on earth would someone want to put their children at risk of getting a deadly disease?

I have already seen the private and Christian schools in my area doing heavy advertising for more teachers. And it’s probably not even happening here yet but who wants to risk it when their kids are involved.


Sky News Australia is part of the Murdoch media and aspires to be a mini-Fox News.

Absolutely nobody has a right to inject somebody with a foreign substance who does not want to be injected with it? No ifs, no buts?

Well, no.

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Wouldn’t that be the norm leading up to the start of a new school year?

There you move from the person (child) getting injected with whatever not wanting the injection to the parent who permits the injection.

None of my three kids wanted to get any shots. Their reluctance to get injected was trumped by my authority as Dad.

I was referring to schools advertising for teachers.

No, never seen it before. One down the road has a sign out front.

What is the CFR in Australia?

You can “ opt out” of vaccines for your children for many different reasons depending on where you live.

How do you feel about people who have one kidney for instance? Those people do not get the Covid vaccine. Should they be forced to get it? Should those people lose their jobs? Should they be denied air travel? Denied an education?

I’m absolutely convinced the state of NJ is going back to a mask mandate in the fall. When they lifted the mandate they made sure there were conditions that allowed the mandate to return. Right now the conditions have been met. The governor is just waiting for the summer to be over as to not piss off business owners. But magic masks and pixie dust will be back in the fall.