Masking for Evah!

oh it’s “trump’s” vaccine now lol

should have seen that one coming. is cnn calling it that yet? still too effective probably

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No worries, he will be deplatformed, problem solved.



Dying isn’t the only concern.

Before this they said it was trumps virus. Now they are saying its trumps vaccine. :rofl: it never ends with these guys


not it sure doesnt

and they dont care if you notice


I believe that woman has a hard time making up her mind


In what way are they warranted under those circumstances?

Who wears masks properly?
Do you take off your mask and dispose of it properly when entering and exiting a room? Do you take off your mask and dispose of it properly after contact with each and every person?

Washing your hands and not touching your face before you have clean hands is better than wearing a mask.
The way masks are being worn, spread virus’.

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I don’t recall it being named Trump’s virus on this forum.

Sorry can’t help you with your memory

A link to such a reference would help.

There even a thread title. Not that hard. Do your own search from now on. Your welcome.


Everybody has different sensitivities and health issues. Also this is all day everyday.

Thanks for the link. I don’t believe I have read that thread previously as I didn’t make the observation that such a virus did not exist.

Like the right doesn’t care that before January 20 they praised the vaccine as the Trump Miracle but now they call it a poison.

Vaccine hesitancy is heavily correlated with support for Trump.

Led by misinformation from right wing pundits (many of whom themselves got the vaccine).

No it isn’t.

Yes…it is.

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No, it isn’t.

Note I said “correlated” before we go down this silly path that you like to go down.

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