Mark Burnett told me that I don’t use the N Word

You use the N-word once in your life and you’re overtly racist?

Then I must be as racist as all get-out.

Hmm. Make a claim about trump saying the N word…if she has the tape… they will either lie about it or admit it. Let them lie then release it lol

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Lol, you don;t think anyone is going to be upset?

I think some people will say very stern things about his language. The people who support him now will continue to do so if such a tape does come out.

Pretty sure the same people who would still support him after finding out he said it wouldn’t mind you using it.

Nah. But tbh I’m fine with his being ruined for those things.

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Ooh, strawmanning already. What’s all this then?

This tape, if it does exist, would be B-roll from The Apprentice. So he would’ve said it on a set in front of people. And that’s okay?

Better question: what are the okay contexts he could call black people ■■■■■■■ in?

Singing along to a rap song?

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We used to hold Presidents to a higher standard than we do everyone else and that is inclusive of their actions before they were elected. For good reason, it’s an extremely powerful office.

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Pretty sure that’s still not ok.

Shouldn’t have played footsies with the white nationalists.

Are you saying say, oh, Joe Biden would be or should be given a pass if he did it?

Please feel free to provide proof

Yes, though it isn’t quite the same thing and I still wouldn’t recommend it.

Results. Its all about results.

I like it in third-person form:


Hey, are you in “I want Trump run out of town on a rail” mode today or “I’ve already decided to vote for Trump in 2020” mode today?

It’s hard to know how to approach your upcoming accusation of hypocrisy if I’m not sure what convenient for the moment attitude you’re currently holding.


I fail to see the relevance of whether or not I want him gone in regard to your possible double standard on this issue.

If someone managed to tape him saying it then it wasn’t “once in his life”. They anticipated it.

I don’t need to hear him say it to prove he is racist. In fact Trump saying that word is far less racist than ginning up fear of Mexicans to get elected, or his housing discrimination in the 70s, or his vicious pursuit of the Central Park 5, or his birthirism, or his neo nazi apologism, or his comments about ■■■■■■■■ countries, or family separation policies, or Muslim bans. He has a rich resume already. So let’s just hear him say it outright. Why not just rip the band aid off at this point and really see who the true believers are. I’m confident we have a ton of them on this forum.


Of course not. Joe Biden hasn’t spent his life doing actual blatant racism though, so I would find such a tape shocking.