Mark Burnett told me that I don’t use the N Word

You don’t have much room to call anyone out on a double standard currently holding one yourself that shifts from minute to minute, also involving this exact dude.


I fear this is too hilariously entertaining to be true. Because you’d know we’d end up with the president of the United States tweeting the usual excuses: “it just means an ignorant person” or “there are white ■■■■■■■ too.” It’s just too rich.

It’s just country club talk

Like locker room talk

Omarose Onee Manigault-Newman

What the hell is this woman’s name?

Yeah, Woodrow Wilson, so check and mate, libs!


Ah, the old “the ends justifies the means” morality. I guess you have to hold to that type of morality to support Trump. I don’t hold to that morality, which is a big reason I can’t support Trump.


Honestly, even I never imagined anything this surreal and ridiculous happening-hoisted by his own petard by another reality TV actor?-and I’m just going to sit back and enjoy this. Black Twitter is gonna be amazing.

When it comes to politics, it is a rare politician who doesn’t have any skeletons in their closet. So that leaves only results. Those that recite platitudes about morality deserve what they get - given that they really don’t seem to care what actually gets done as long as they can have a squeaky clean person representing them.

No one is squeaky clean - but I do hold elected officials to a higher standard than those who they are leading (as it should be). If they are learning from their mistakes and growing in a positive direction, that can mitigate issues they may have. Problem with Trump is - I don’t see that happening with him.


I will say, if the tape is true, and Trump did say the n-word, I can guarantee that Trump idolizers on this board will immediately find Democrats who used the word and go “See! See!”. None will condemn Trump.

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No such double standard exists on my part. sorry.

Problem with Trump is that he won’t conform to the wishes of those that hate him. And that drives them absolutely bonkers…………

as in frothing at the mouth bonkers. :+1:

Trump calling her a dog is going over smashingly well, also.

Yes, I’m quite sure that’s how the Trump loyal would see things. That doesn’t change reality though.

She just released this one:Omarosa reveals new tape of Katrina Pierson admitting Trump used N-word. Uh oh.

Whose reality would that be?

Nah… I love it.

Keep on supporting him no matter what.

Show the true colors of the GOP.

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I am still hung up on the tweet, why would Mark Burnett need to call him to tell him no tapes exist?! Why wouldn’t Trump just know that?

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It’s a little like him asking Comey/the FBI to prove that there was no pee tape.

As in RED rather than BLUE? That works for me. :+1: