Man takes knee during national anthem at Donald Trump's White House ceremony

You know what I can’t understand is that why is there such a fervor over this song…our National Anthem. When I go to games be it football, baseball or Hockey, 99.9999% of the participants stand. But if someone does not it is their choice. To all you Fervent Patriots who say you are un-American if you don’t stand for the National Anthem…When it plays on your TV at home do you remove your hat, get up off the sofa and put your beer and big fat bag of chips down long enough to show your patriotism to the anthem while it is being broadcast on your TV?

Nah…I thought not. So if you don’t stand and show respect at home…who the ■■■■ are you to be worried about one or two athletes not doing it at a stadium. Shut up already and let’s get back to something logical and political to discuss. The NFL and these few athletes have become the whipping boy for Trumps personal agenda…which is to always work his base into a fervor with his faux patriotism. Learn the words to the song if you don’t know it then pop off. President Fremdschamen!!! And if you don’t know the German word…look it up. IT’s highly appropriate for the situation. LOL


It also speaks volumes when that’s the tactic resorted to in political discussion.

This controversy was never about patriotism. It’s about a misfit president and his lemmings.

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That’s more of a Republican goal

I won’t disagree with you there…but it is always been about patriotism to Trump!

I don’t believe that for a second.

It is what sparks up the base…you know…if you aren’t standing up…you aren’t American. That kind of stuff. Furthering the divide between Americans.

I guess you were being sarcastic before about trump being a patriot. Hard to tell.

This goes without saying as the NFL and NBA are his two sports targets. I imagine a certain percentage of his base resent black athletes making salaries many times over what they are earning.

I’m sure a lot of them do feel that way.

Get over it, otherwise you might end up sick and on the public dole.

That doesn’t make any sense.

dont the lib rules of insults say that black can insult black, female can insult female,… like can insult like?

So it’s on me fellas. The guy is fat. I am allowed to say it cause… well … you figure it out.

yeah… a certain percentage.

“A certain percentage” = rational, not broad brushing.
“0.000001%” = data from your nether region.

If that gets you through life I guess.

We’re paying for Donald’s health care for the rest of his life.

Geez, going by the responses in this thread you’d think this guy went and spit and everyone’s face in turn. Dude just took a knee and stood up and left. We don’t even know his name.

Probably for the best. If we did there’s no doubt the ConservaPatriotGreatMericans would try to burn down his entire existence.

Smart dude. I wonder if he realized that beforehand. I’m sure he realizes now though.