Man takes knee during national anthem at Donald Trump's White House ceremony

He knelt for you to Ishy :wink:

I couldn’t be more clearly sarcastic. My original post even said Faux Patriotism. Nothing more sarcastic than that?

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Not an insult to you, just illustrating the makeup of your beloved Trump’s New Republican Party.

Just one more thing to divide Americans. Our days as a great country are truly numbered.

My Undies are all in a twist. Why is Trump getting involved in Football? Doesnt he have anything better to do?

Ok missed that . No biggie.

It is my personal reward to Trump for poking libs in their collective eye.

If football stayed out of politics, I bet the POTUS would get out of football’s business.

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Your “you are a despicable person” line is appropriate right now.

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Can someone say…….Mr. Piggy? :sunglasses:

No. Notice how I don’t broad brush. What I said was true.

This is 100% accurate.

The other problem here is that Trump essentially took a non-issue and brought it back to life, just so it would distract his supporters and the media.

Kneeling during the National Anthem fad started in 2016 and ended well before 2017 NFL Draft (April). Only a handful of players were actually kneeling. It only became a problem again, when the President called kneelers SOBs during a rally.

Now Trump is trying to push the issue further by suggesting being in the locker room during the National Anthem is just as “bad” as kneeling.

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You guys had no problem with Tebow kneeling for abortion, why does kneeling in prayer against racial injustice go over the line?

Again, it’s typical right-wing snowflakism: “I am upset people have a different viewpoint than me”. Whine,. whine, whine.

I am sick of this garbage. It’s a free country. Tebow has a right to pray for abortion, players have a right to pray for the end to racial injustice.


HAHAHAGAHAGAGAGA. Kneeling in prayer. That’s rich. They are kneeling because it has better camera appeal than sitting. Kaepernick started the movement by sitting. Nice try rewriting history.

No re-writing from me. Kaepernick was kneeling based on the advise given to him by veteran Nate Boyer.

yeah… he was sitting first.

Just stop with the facts. Can’t you see it’s becoming annoying? :sunglasses:

libs always cite Boyer as the origin of the kneeling. If libs read the open letter from Nate Boyer to Kaepernick and read the transcript of Boyer’s interview and listened to what he says they would find that Boyer isnt kneeling, Boyer wants Kaepernick to stand but recommended kneeling as a compromise between standing and sitting… which Kaepernick was doing.

It is also interesting to note that in his open letter, Boyer admits to having white guilt. White guilt.

There is just a tad bit of humor to be found in your user name and that photo. :wink:


If you feel the need to spread your cheeks for deeper ramming, be my guest.