Magic Mushrooms Are Decriminalized in DC as of Today (Ayahuasca, too)

I would love to find out, just like whoever figured out, that out of the millions of species of plants in the Amazon, that boiling Banisteriopsis caapi and Psychotria viridis together, would make orally active N,N-DMT.

Odds are, they didn’t figure out until after they were tripping.

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And yes I know, milk is easier to understand since we could see baby cows and cats loved it.

I think there’s a lot more to it than random happenstance. Even in the age of historical written records, civilizations have gone from “advanced” to no one knowing how to read for hundreds of year (like the Bronze Age Collapse).


But I guess the story of the LSD discovery shows us how random encounters lead to these kind of discoveries I suppose.

Bread mold.

Right It just seems impossible.

But again, the idea that a chemist in a lab would not only stumble on the recipe for LSD, but also have the good fortune of ■■■■■■■ spilling it on himself…is pretty damn hard to fathom…so really, I guess similar stuff could be happening every couple of decades…

Ergot fungus. It was prominent in the bread flour used during the Salem times.

He didn’t stumble upon it, he accidentally ingested it. I believe it was marked as LSA-25 in the lab, where he observed its euphoric effects on the lab rats before his accidental trip.

The accident happened when he was taking a closer look at that particular variant.

Nothing is truly random only appears random.

Crick was on LSD when he discovered DNA

All important discoveries come about during altered states.

Do Zange

you are in the animal realm

Wanna let aeons go by like that?

What does 懺悔 (Zange) mean in Japanese?

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Hofmann became an employee of the pharmaceutical/chemical department of Sandoz Laboratories (now a subsidiary of Novartis), located in Basel as a coworker with professor Arthur Stoll, founder and director of the pharmaceutical department.[7] He began studying the medicinal plant Drimia maritima (squill) and the fungus ergot, as part of a program to purify and synthesize active constituents for use as pharmaceuticals. His main contribution was to elucidate the chemical structure of the common nucleus of the Scilla glycosides (an active principal of Mediterranean squill).[7] While researching lysergic acid derivatives, Hofmann first synthesized LSD on 16 November 1938.[8] The main intention of the synthesis was to obtain a respiratory and circulatory stimulant (analeptic) with no effects on the uterus in analogy to nikethamide (which is also a diethylamide) by introducing this functional group to lysergic acid. It was set aside for five years, until 16 April 1943, when Hofmann decided to reexamine it. While re-synthesizing LSD, he accidentally absorbed a small amount of the drug through his fingertips and discovered its powerful effects.[9] He described what he felt as being:

But better is this:

If you can stream that show, do it.

I saw a docu on it, but I must be mixing memories on the matter. I also had Hoffman confused with Timothy Leary.

ETA: It was called LSD-25, not LSA-25.

Without correct practice and apology, it leads to the bottomless pit

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“Out of the multitude of Bodhisattvas Mahâsattvas who had flocked from other worlds, Bodhisattvas eight (times) equal to the sands of the river Ganges then rose from the assembled circle. Their joined hands stretched out towards the Lord to pay him homage, they said to him: If the Lord will allow us, we also would, after the extinction of the Lord, reveal this Dharmaparyâya in this Saha-world; we would read, write, worship it, and wholly devote ourselves to that law. Therefore, O Lord, deign to grant to us also this Dharmaparyâya. And the Lord answered: Nay, young men of good family, why should you occupy yourselves with this task? I have here in this Saha-world thousands of Bodhisattvas equal to the sands of sixty Ganges rivers, forming the train of one Bodhisattva; and of such Bodhisattvas there is a number equal to the sands of sixty Ganges rivers, each of these Bodhisattvas having an equal number in their train, who at the end of time, at the last period after my extinction, shall keep, read, proclaim this Dharmaparyâya.”

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I was thinking it could explain why some of the lib pols seem so addled. :sunglasses:

Especially one in particular.

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I’ve done dmt a few times and it is one of the most interesting experiences I’ve had in life.

I love how America is supposedly free yet criminalizes the ability to have the experience for some reason.

Such freedom :crazy_face:. Anyone over two can decide what to put in there body.



We have monetized opposition and support to the point where honest debate is impossible.

Wow, I would have never thought I’d have agreed with you on something like this. Very surprising opinion from you

But here we are.