Magic Mushrooms Are Decriminalized in DC as of Today (Ayahuasca, too)

Well, I’m certainly all for this, but isn’t DC federal land? How can something be legal in the federal capital, but federally illegal everywhere else? That doesn’t make a whole lot of sense. :thinking:

I am wondering if we are still convicting people for dealing marijuana? And if so, how that gets by the court while the feds obviously turn a blind eye to commercial operations in states where it is legal?

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Doesn’t make a whole lot of sense for them to be able to say, “We can, you can’t!”

A lot of the Pols appear to be using wayyyyy too much of this stuff.

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I think if they were using it, there’d be less pork going overseas. lol

Seen videos of artist recreations of what people see on Ayahuasca trips, count me out on that scary ■■■■■

The 5 hour oral brew experience, or the 20 minute inhaled rocket ship experience?

Whatever they are doing with that tribe in Peru. What is scary is it’s possible what they are seeing is actually reality that we aren’t equipped to perceive since they all apparently see roughly the same thing.

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I did have an out of body experience once as a teen, before I new a windowpane tab was four hits. Messed up my speech center for a few months too.

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Ah, the brew. I hear it’s very gradual and gentle. A few months back I participated in a clinical study of 5-MeO-DMT in the Denver area. It was the closest experience to death that I’ve had since being hit by a grenade, but the dose was a lower one, so it still didn’t come close to the experience I had in Afghanistan.

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Did you see those snake things?

Having fond memories of mushrooms and my led zeppelin albums…

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During the clinical study? The dose was a low one, so I didn’t get to “breakthrough” to the other side per se. I was trapped in what I can only describe as a border region. I saw visuals similar to this, but waaaay brighter, more vivid, and all the lines were constantly morphing between various geometric shapes. There were frequencies and voices, but nothing that I could decipher.

When I got hit by the grenade, I was on the other side of the other side, with no sense/memory of this identity, planet Earth, etc., ever having existed. A completely different “reality” that felt more real than this life could ever imagine being. No other experience has ever approached that level.


We should have a national magic mushroom day. A little bit of tea can go a long way.

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I’m never touching a boring little mushroom ever again. lol

But on the political side of this, what sense does it make for DC to be allowed while other citizens are not?

Kind of meshes with this quantum theory.

I dont like to ruin drugs with politics, but if we must, dc should be a state, and cannabis and psilocybin removed from schedule 1.

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And this guys theory, which is currently my lead candidate for a unity theory.

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The thing about this reality is, it’s not reality. It’s an illusion we create to occupy ourselves throughout eternity. They day we get to the bottom of physics is the day that a tooth can bite itself, or a fingertip touch itself, or most importantly, the day ourselves can see its Self.

Exactly! And maybe an Opioids day should be next.