Magic Mushrooms Are Decriminalized in DC as of Today (Ayahuasca, too)

Lisi’s theory is provable, predicts missing particles.

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And we know what we see isn’t reality. Just our brains interpreting a very narrow spectrum of input.

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I’m fine with someone ruining their life with opioids, but I’m not fine with them committing crimes against other people for their next fix, or putting the medical liability of their life choices on the rest of us.

Like meth, they are a pleasure drug, and seeking a life of pleasure inevitably results in taking pleasure through another’s pain.

That being sad, there is no such thing as a bad drug, only bad uses for a drug.

DC should in no way be a state.


Agreed. Our physical senses are really just cosmic filters.

Apparently our entire universe may be just a three dimensional shadow of an eight dimensional quasi-crystal lattice dubbed E8. And like I mentioned best thing about that theory is it is verifiable if we find it’s predicted particles.

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A holographic projection, as it were.

It already is a state. A state of chaos.
But you are correct. The founders did not want the federal ruling authority to belong to a state. They were very smart.

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Save the weed smoking conversation for a weed thread. This is a mushroom thread.

Go look at the ayahuasca visions and tell me again geometric quantum theory isn’t possibly related.

[quote=“zantax, post:30, topic:238704, full:true”]

My comment was a lame attempt at humor.

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[quote=“altair1013, post:31, topic:238704, full:true”]

No problem. Hard to,pick up in text some times.

There’s a reason why prominent mathematicians seek out these ancient experiences.

Rumor has it, CIA has been in there since the sixties and may have even made a deal with entities found in it. Pure speculation of course.


I’ve heard similar, but those are the types of rabbit holes I don’t bother myself with. I see no difference between the “entities” and everything else.

Well I certainly wouldn’t waste any time trying to prove it.

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This reminds me, have you seen those eight to ten hour videos on youtube that claim to all but guarantee and out of body experience? Was thinking the other night, who would even want to try that? Not me. What if you can’t get back? Bird in the hand and all.

Never got any use out of them myself, but there is technology in the works that can induce these states of consciousness.

What I am saying is, if it works, I am not doing it. Staying right here in this body, not traipsing around a weird multidimensional universe with unknown properties and potential predators. Deal with that when I croak heh. Seems like an easy place to get lost in.

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