Magic Mushrooms Are Decriminalized in DC as of Today (Ayahuasca, too)

Understandable. I can absolutely see how such a deeply spiritual and personal experience can have traumatic outcomes, especially if approached all willy nilly. We created this illusion for a reason, even if we didn’t intend to understand it while we’re here. As we are, we belong here. For now.

Or, some other entity or entities were bored with multidimensional eternity and needed something good to watch. DMT trippers regularly report earth being watched over by entities. Or possibly using it to sort out which new entities are worthy of joining their club. That last one freaks me out a bit. As I am no saint.

I and almost everyone I know has had positive experiences but one of my friend’s sister ran into a mischievous entity who she swears is messing with her in this reality now that she’s aware of it presence

I could of just read this post first. Agreed

Do you believe it had positive long term effects for you?

DMT is the one that scares the crap out of me. Never considered it, even in my crazy days.

A mushroom day would fix a lot of this ^.

I don’t believe in “other” entities. On a fundamental level, there is zero difference between you and the entirety of reality. It’s all one “thing” manifesting as “different” things.

Wow…that’s intense.

If you don’t mind, what were your physical injuries?

You guys read the Three Body Problem series?

The last book deals with multi-dimensional universes. It’s awesome.

Sure, it was good book, follow up not as good, been a while though.

I promise, it scared the ever living ■■■■ out of me as well. lol

It’s best not to think of the Spirit Molecule as a psychedelic experience, but rather an experience of death and rebirth. When the walls started melting, I was like, “Oh wow, this is cool!” but when the intensity only increased by a factor of infinity, every sense of my being started screaming, “Dude, you’re DYING! Get! Up!” … but there was no getting up. lol

And then death was nothing more than taking off a tight-fitting shoe. Uncomfortable at first, sheer relief after.

But, that’s one of the appeals for me. I’ve been dead before. As far as long term benefits, there is no doubt from within. A giant weight has been lifted, and I’m left with an epiphany that I can’t quite describe, but can apply to any and all of my life’s “negative” experiences.

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I don’t think that’s how it works. Very few people start with Opioids. They graduate to opioids when weed and other vegetation is no longer enough.

Did you read the last one? Deaths End? with th pocket universes. And the solar system being reduced to 2 dimensions? So crazy…

Can’t agree there, most opioid addiction is due to their prescription running out.

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Think I bailed after the second one disappointed.

That is not even remotely true

12 herniated discs, shrapnel in between the right kneecap and femur, and the TBI of a lifetime. I was the least injured out of 6.

ETA: and some kind of weird spasms in my feet that haven’t ceased in about 10 years so far, but they deny it had anything to do with the grenade.

This sounds like my relationship with LSD back in the day.

There is something that I knew, but didn’t quite know. That I felt, but couldn’t articulate. that was all positive. Even after some of the crazier, more intense nights. I always felt…cured. Without ever having realized that I had been sick.

The world is a better place because of psychedelics. And I wish more people used them.

I don’t any more BTW - not for…15 years ±.


I have a theory that the world is also a “religious” place because of psychedelics.

Most people end up addicted from opioids after having them prescribed to them.

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