Magic Mushrooms Are Decriminalized in DC as of Today (Ayahuasca, too)

If you are into pondering multi-dimnsional universes, I highly recommend giving it a shot.

The writing is a little slow moving, but the concepts are fantastic.

So thankful you came back from the other side.

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Good point. But the cartels are not supplying pharmaceuticals. And they have a huge market.

Hmm…we believe there is more to existence than this life because some have glimpsed it and spread the good word? Something like that?

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It was a loaded statement, but I’ll cut it up a bit:

The fungus is always among us. Psilocybin mushrooms were here long before humans. You pick it off the ground and eat it. There’s a likelihood they were a big factor in the evolution of human intelligence. They have been a part of human civilization since the beginning, and look where we are now. If you want to get trippy listen to the people who study the mycorrhizal network and theorize that they are the literal nerve system to our living earth.

Someone had to convince you to fear them. Someone had to sell you on opioids. Neanderthal Bob wasn’t spending his days picking pills from the OxyContin tree and if he had found a magic stash of opioids laying around we wouldn’t be here today.

Comparing psilocybin to opioids is to compare apples to nuclear bombs.

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Oh absolutely

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I used to have mixed feelings about it. Wherever or whatever that place was, it was home. I’m simply on vacation here. lol

Take the acacia bush for example. It’s bark/roots contain 2% naturally occurring DMT. I would surmise that if one were to enclose themselves in a small space and burn that bush, they would go straight to God. :man_shrugging:

You were really doing well until you made a really ignorant assumption. Then you lost me. Have you bothered to ask me if I fear them? Where the hell did that come from?

Genetically, we are closer to fungus than we are to plants.

From you using a rebuttal that was nothing if not Nixon-esque.

Then you went on to repeat some old drug war falsehoods like this:

Read about that somewhere, someone scienced it and concluded, nope, you would asphyxiate before you got off. That guy with the vice show that covers psychedelics quite a bit. But he did wonder if there was any way they could have used butter to extract it. Plus, don’t you need special enzymes to keep your body from destroying it?

Speaking of spiritual aspects to this:

India, Mesopotamia, and Egypt, with their depictions of the Bull, in the Age of Taurus, circa 4400 - 2200 BC.

The Hebrews, with their depictions of the Lamb, in the Age of Aeries, circa 2200 BC - 0 AD.

The Christians, with their depictions of the Fish, in the Age of Pisces, circa 0 AD - 2160 AD.

It’s no coincidence that psychedelics are making a comeback in the dawn of the Age of Aquarius (The Angel/ Water Bearer/ Light of God).

I left it open to interpretation, much like the original story of the experience. There is no reason to suggest that they didn’t know how to extract the DMT-containing oils in a similar manner to the way they extracted oils from other plants. The story is metaphoric after all. What is true though, is that plants containing the most potent psychedelic known to man, flourish in that region.


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When taking it orally, that is correct. You need an MAO inhibitor. Snorting or smoking though, will take you on that rocket ship through reality.

There is a toad native to the southwest region of the USA, sometimes mistaken for a “licking toad” that indigenous people would capture, pop it’s puss glands onto a sheet of ceramic, allow to dry, then snort or smoke. This toad’s mucus contains 5-MEO-DMT.

Soma and Amrita

Akashic records are there to see who created the deceptions and past present and future.

Trump won the election.

Your fate in the animal kingdom.

You will need to practice, do zange.

Backwards heads abound

Such foolish dorks

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I have lots to do trying to make sense of this “reality” before I tackle others heh.

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Don’t you want to know who the heck thought of trying that?

Oh look, a toad…I wonder what’s in it’s puss glands…

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Yeah well, I wonder the same thing about milk.

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