Magic Mushrooms Are Decriminalized in DC as of Today (Ayahuasca, too)

I’m totally agnostic now but used to be a strong atheist.
I’ve had some trips that I really made me feel like there is something in the universe that is observing everything. I can’t explain it but made me realize how stupid claiming to know what is really going on in the universe is.

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That is perfect.

Decimate the ego. Be humble in the universe.

All of this is transient and none of it matters except our own acceptance of the experience, and our joy of life. And those around you are in teh same boat. Wish for them the same.

Shed the “need” for desire.

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Stop the mind and observe it.

Good for the folks in DC.

The only time I had them I thought I was stuck in Becketts Endgame for some reason and when I went out to smoke I thought I saw all the cars rusting in real time. So…not for me. But you do you.

Opium poppies were here before people too.