MAGA: Some Hogs to be made outside the US

Trump and loyalists will throw a hissy fit at what HD is doing but not bat an eye at all the crap Trump gets made overseas for Trump Org. It’s simply a smart business deal what HD is doing for their bottom line and share holders!

All this winning is hard to keep up with! First Harley closes a plant and moves production out of country, and now this move to avoid EU tariffs.

It’s like Trump is just sprinkling rakes on the ground for his dumb ass supporters to step on. All of it totally avoidable, but his cult will suffer the pain.


i know Trump republicans are trying really hard to ignore the tarriffs and how they’ll hurt middle America, but it’s gonna be painful. the very people that had so much hope (anyone actually remember the Rust Belt talk) are gonna take a swift kick to the dangly bits.



You cannot get more American than HD…oh well.

i wonder how soybean farmers love the crashing soybean prices due to trumps tarrifs

down to almost decade lows

Anyone remember Carrier? Ahh! The good 'ole days!

I’ll mock any person making long term business decisions based on temporary tariffs.

That’s in addition to340 already laid off. Remember Pence and trump crowing about giving Carrier gobs of taxpayer cash to keep the jobs?

Dotard is on the case!

they are too impatient. they will likely fail now.

A company that has survived more than 100 years is too impatient to withstand the trade vicissitudes of a guy who went bankrupt multiple times and drove a casino into the ground? For sure, HD hasn’t always been the best managed company, but I trust their management chops a lot better than the guy who pushes the bankruptcy button as often as a crack-addled mouse pushed the “hit me” button.


It’s like you parrot everything your orange jesus says.

All the economy really needs is a little blood letting.

It’ll work, just be patient.

Not a parrot. Hive mind.

Good enough thread:

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I thought the same thing! A keyboard warrior believes he’s smarter than decision makers at the 100 year old company, Harley Davidson! Too funny…

Who is jesus? Are you referring to Christians’ Jesus? I am surprised that you people can get away expressing the blasphemy that you do.

“Get away”? What, are they supposed to have been struck down by a bolt of lightning or something?

Plus 5 for “vicissitudes”.

Well done.