MAGA: Some Hogs to be made outside the US

if that’s what you want to call the TOS.

Oh, my mistake. Didn’t realize it was blaspheme to say orange jesus, peace be upon him.

I think it’s only blasphemy to those who worship Orange Jesus. We all know Jesus Christ was brown.


Is labor cheaper or more expensive in Thailand?

I dunno. HD has been ran into the ground on more than one occasion.

I believe it’s cheaper…I hear that’s where Ivanka is moving her operations.

I’ll bet the HD employees who got laid off are getting tired of all this winning.

The rubes fell hard for that Trump propaganda.

Hey Donald Con Man. Stop selling foreign made products.

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Another result of the tariffs. OK, Trump fans, tell us why this is a good thing. Jobs, jobs, jobs.

If you’re gonna make an omelette, some families have to be destroyed.

first layoff from trumps tariffs.
they had to hike prices due to the tariffs on steel imports

60 workers let go,the company says all 500 may be out of jobs by september

orders are down 70% from a year ago

Trump is probably going to have to throw some money at the families that lose their jobs due to the Trump tariffs. That way he can pacify them.

Maybe he’ll give them free vacations at Mar-A-Lago. :laughing:


Not usually, no.

You don’t see the problem here?

as long as they avoid the filthy restaurants

Trump will be the rare president where we can directly look at policies he literally created that caused the economy to crash (trade)

I’m sure there will be Tea Party rallies organized to protest the government handouts.

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All steel prices are going up, including domestic. I knew this would happen, I’ve worked in steel for 20+ years.

In response to Trump’s tariffs a steel plant in the USA was reopened, 300 USA steel jobs returned, and $5 billion is being invested, Trump is the man!