Madison mob tears down the statue of an abolitionist, beats up state senator

Hitting a little close to home?

The Right: “and next thing… wait and see… …they will be looting and destroying public property.”

The Left: “Please provide the quote and the written direction from an established person on the left that advocates looting and destruction. …(silence)… HA ! Thought so!”

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Always hoping the tiger eats them last.

The tiger is running low on “others”, libs.

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It has not been about black lives for a long time. (Actually it was never about black lives…George Floyd has become an excuse not a reason).

It’s about mob rule.

For all the leftists who excused the random ripping down of monuments because the Confederacy sucked…we tried to warn you.

Unfortunately this ain’t gonna stop til somebody stops it and I m not sure that day is going to be pretty.

Bingo! Destroy the country by destroying our history and traditions. They started with the flag. Now everything is on the table. We need to stop caving to the mob. Hear that Drew Breeze?


■■■■ that.

Sounds like biden VP matrial. This is her audition.

Enjoy your mayor.

Somehow it will be blamed on Trump.

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She’s not my mayor.

Yep and at least partially fair. Talking tough on Twitter and doing nothing.

Ann Coulter knows it and she’s been on him

Yes, and I hope so.

…to get violent with the protestors to restore “law and order”. Trump won’t do that unless he’s forced and until it goes to other cities that haven’t been run by liberal politicians. This is on them to restore law and order, not Trump.

Yeah, I know he won’t do that - much better to tweet “LAW AND ORDER!!!” and do nothing :wink:

Yes, but the context is “we are committing random acts of violence because we can’t tell elected officials what to do”. That is about the worst context you could come up with.

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Would you rather he bring in the guns…seriously? I wouldn’t. I’d rather let these criminals run around and show the world just how stupid an idea it is/was and forever will be…to “defund the police”…amirite? :sunglasses:

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Right, because doing actual work is obviously stupid. And what if innocent lives and property are impacted ? Collateral damage ?

Apparently, Trump needs to step in and do the jobs these local officials are too inept to do.

And I have no doubt if Trump did so, he would be widely praised by those now complaining about him.

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The President is in charge of the Federal government. What is he supposed to do if some states cannot maintain order but do not request assistance? Wasn’t this what liberals were cheering some military types for saying it was not their job to step in and become the police?
The responsibility for enforcing laws belong to the states. If they can’t handle it, they can ask for assistance. Has Wisconsin asked for assistance?

He will just tweet about it…

Me too