Madison mob tears down the statue of an abolitionist, beats up state senator

Right wingers are as rare in Madison as they are in Jussie Smellit’s part of Chicago.

But yep… they will try.


Nobody is trying that.


You talking about Madison’s mayor or Seattle’s ?

Sorry, Madison.

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A Democrat. What do you expect? They love this stuff.

The previous mayor was a Democrat and would not have allowed this ■■■■■■■■ to continue night after night. This mayor has proven to be worthless.

She doesn’t want to offend anyone. Or commit a micro aggression.


Yes, probably. She has proven to be worthless as a mayor. She should step down. She won’t. Maybe.

If Trump did more than talk like a tough guy on Twitter, he may have a chance to convert quite a few folks to his side.

Northside is Covered in Artfully Medieval ‘ScareCoronas’ to Frighten Off the COVID-19 Virus

maybe someone is trying to say scarecrows matter

I was curious about the motivation and found this on reddit:

from the WSJ:

Protester Ebony Anderson-Carter said the anger and destruction was spurred in part because state and local officials refuse to listen to protesters’ calls for change.

She said while the Forward and Heg statues stood for good causes and movements, those in power are not taking that same stand with the Black Lives Matter movement. Having those statues prominently displayed in Madison creates a “false representation of what this city is,” she said.

I’m not condoning this behavior… my own opinion on the statues is that they should have only taken down the confederate ones (and more so the cities should have, not the protesters)… but I thought it was useful context.

Sorry but that’s ■■■■■■■■■

It’s a fake quote?

Sorry. No. It’s ■■■■■■■■ that people haven’t been listening. It’s all officials have been doing these past weeks.

And it’s ■■■■■■■■ that those statues don’t represent Madison. They were taken down over ignorance and mob behavior.

She’s trying to make up an excuse after the fact.


OMG, what the hell did I just read ? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I guess then every city that has a statue of MLK (or any streets named after MLK) can go toss those in the lake if they don’t feel like their city is living up to the standards of what MLK had preached ?

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Probably inaccurate to make assumptions. Perhaps you should ask protester Ebony Anderson-Carter.

Rationalization. Don’t destroy property to push a cause. Looting/Rioting as a form of frustration can be understood … to a point. Destroying things just cuz and then rationalizing the destruction is weak sauce and it’s worse than that.

You want an easy way for people to stop listening to the movement that quote will do it. Like “defund the police” You gonna lose a lot of people.

All those white libs aren’t going to understand why it’s happening to them. “But I’m on your side! Ow! Stop kicking me! Summer of love!”


And most violent.

No it doesn’t. Let the people be heard!