Loud Mouth Democrat Rep Outright Calling for Harassment

I already said I didn’t condone it.

no you dont see. because it didnt happen

he did not make any call to go out and harass.

and the first of your leftist site crap links didn’t work

but you defend with “but Trump did it” like i knew you and others would. from the get go

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The problem isn’t just that Trump said it, but that you’re OK with it when he does it, but not when Maxine does it. People like Sotto and I aren’t OK when EITHER does it.


LOL. I’m not defending either. I’m pointing out the idiocy of people calling foul of Waters and overlooking or ignoring what Trump has said.

Let’s see if Paul Ryan follows through. Make dems own it or denounce it.

Just a year ago a left wing nut tried to kill republicans. Her rhetoric needs to be denounced in the strongest terms.

What do you say Nancy Pelosi?

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I’m going to make this real easy. Here are DIRECT quotes from Trump, freely available to watch from the links I posted. Ready? Nothing to click this time. Again DIRECT quotes, with video sources.

“If you see somebody getting ready to throw a tomato, knock the crap out of them.”

“Maybe he should have been roughed up because it was absolutely disgusting what he was doing.”

“I’d like to punch him in the face.”

“Get him out, try not to hurt him… If you do I’ll defend you in court don’t worry about it.”

“And you know what? The audience swung back. And I thought it was very, very appropriate. He was swinging. He was hitting people. And the audience hit back. And that’s what we need a little bit more of.”

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She’s taking the road of acting more and more like Trump every day. That is a mistake.

A border agent was attacked and injured today. When will this end?

So the calls for harassment by Waters are justified. Got it. You going to be dancing when Trump officials are harassed in restaurants, etc?

Political correctness has nothing to do with advocating harassment.

Time to start place libs on homeland security terrorist watch list…I hope FBI are infiltrating those left-wing organizations.

And maybe…just maybe the IRS should start and even revoke those lib organization none profit tax status.

Since libs don’t have a problem with goverment.

Could have fooled me. Not once have you condemned what Waters has done but only deflected to “well Trump!!”

From this thread…

Get ready…here comes time number three: I don’t condone what Waters (or Trump) has said when it comes to advocating harassment or physical violence.

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What…you’re just now noticing that behavior?

I have news for you lib. That behavior been going on as long as I can remember.

Silly lib.

So it’s never about the OP, it’s always about bringing your opponents into it and deflecting to them. Not once have you isolated what Waters said and say it’s wrong. My point stands. You simply can’t condemn or criticize a liberal.

You just now figuring that out?

Holy crap, dude. I CONDEMN the words of both Waters and Trump when it comes to advocating harassment or physical violence.

I’m sure this also will not be enough in your tin foil world.

At some point woodshed, bloodshed and deadshed.

You just can’t help yourself, I know. It’s what makes you so adorable, ya fuzzy little barbarian. :heart_eyes: