Loud Mouth Democrat Rep Outright Calling for Harassment

You have slow learning curve.

We have found out how the Democrats and anybody else who applauds this sort of behavior can screw up enough to get a sociopathic, dangerous, stupid moron like Trump reelected.

Sotto wasn’t deflecting. The OP of this thread specifically asked this question:

OP asked, @SottoVoce provided. Then OP floundered around, and you come along levying false accusations and lying about what people have said.

Shame on you.

Cool. So next time Trump says something, I can just deflect back to a liberal and that should be good enough. Right?

Yes, we know libs like you love big government and revenge. It’s all you libs care about.

You have sexy barbarian voice cadence.

Conan adorable!

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OP specifically asked what Trump has done like this. It wasn’t a deflection. It was a response to what OP asked.

Why be different? Each side already does that now.

As well exhibited here. Just deflections and comparisons.

Nope, he should be called out for it, just as Waters is being called out for it.

You know, the exact thing I’ve done no less than four times in this single thread, along with others. That’s called being consistent. It’s also called not being hypocritical.

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As long as you get both in there, right? Always gotta deflect and compare.

So how do we break free of the culture that Donald exploited to win the White House? It’s destructive to our social cohesion, to say the least.

Personally, I don’t think anything can be done until Donald is out of office. When it comes from the highest leadership it’s difficult to counter from below.

I don’t know. I know I wasn’t feeling “cohesive” after Obama being all liberal all the time. What is the answer to developing “social cohesion” when one side doesn’t give a damn about any of your viewpoints?

The OP brought Trump into this. I doubt I would have replied had he not.

Thanks for proving my point. You wouldn’t have felt the need to say anything because it was your side. But once Trump was involved… “oh both sides!!!”

At that’s where it breaks down - neither side will compromise, each side seeks revenge the moment they reacquire power, further fostering ill will and a desire for retribution down the line. I’m not sure we have it in us to pull out of this spiral, because it requires one side to back down first, and neither will.

Sure would be a good start, however, if someone would simply say “enough” when it comes to the petty insults and calls for harassment. I saw the movie “Won’t You Be My Neighbor?” last night, a brief film about Fred Rogers and his work with children. Public figures like him (civil, compassionate, selfless) are few and far between anymore.

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No, I wouldn’t have replied because I’d have agreed with the stance that what she said isn’t acceptable. Once the OP decided to make this a “Trump vs Waters” issue, I replied to say that both have said deplorable things and neither should be tolerated.

Maybe it starts with understanding that giving a damn about your viewpoint is not tantamount to implementing your viewpoint. And that goes for both sides.

First step in accomplishing that would be to rework government so it worked a tad faster. If Presidents couldn’t push for policy that ran 20 years past thier terms, ■■■■ would go totally different. The lack of a need to fear that a policy might get implemented that has far reaching effects drives both sides to be nasty about trying to make sure that doesn’t happen.

And I will state this right now…I don’t know how or if it is even possible, but I stand by the statement that it would help…lol

Excuse me but, this typical of Waters. She was a hateful, bigoted, spiteful, dangerous person long before Trump took office.

These aren’t libs. Most liberals don’t condone this sort of thing from D or R.

People like Maxine are left wing extremists. There are extremists on both sides, and although small in numbers they make all the noise and get all the attention.

Let’s not broad brush, it’s extremists doing this and not average people.