Looks like Trump is pulling out of Afghanistan

Uh… Afghanistan had a lot of democratic support

You never watched a Trump rally…

Looks like trump is cutting and running

Ever heard the name abu graib?

Ya I watched trump make fun of cerebral palsy and his supporters violently attack liberals

I heard you guys wanted to wipe out ISIS but apparently you just want to let Russia control Syria and ■■■■ the Kurds

One old guy punched one guy… That justifes absolute violence on the left…

Trump is WEAK. Hillary would have taken care of it.

ISIS is wiped out…

Wow. Violence on the left is justified?

Yes… she would bomb civilians and laugh like Libya… The left would applaud…

No, the left commits the violence’

Not according to trump. He said Syria and Russia should fight ISIS


You just said it was justified violence on the left

Which is brilliant…

But you just said ISIS is wiped out. Do you hunt dodo birds?

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This is where the left can’t understand percentages…

You said they were wiped out. Are you saying ISIS still exists in Syria now?

This is where the left can’t understand percentages…

Obama got the Nobel peace prize for causing war…