Looks like Trump is pulling out of Afghanistan

We insisted they put in their constitution they would not create another war machine, and essentially we would be their protectorate.

We didnt do it for sushi

Really at the end of the day its simple question.

Is leaving the country to become a terrorist state a good thing for America

It’s a benefits vs costs assessment.

Right now the benefits of staying are not worth the costs.

Then we need to live with the action which is the creation of a terrorist state which is at war with the west

always a tweet. always.

its just the date that makes this even worse


Tiny’s twitterings are the gift that keep on giving.

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Who are you kidding, he’d still grab it.


It’s eleventy dimensional strategerie, nothing you or I or the common man can understand. Stable genuises are like that, you see.

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How long will it take to make sure Afghanistan doesn’t become a terrorist state again? Please tell me in years how long the US will have to stay there?

According to Wiki, Canada felt confident in removing forces in 2014.

Why doesn’t Canada send trooops back to help?

Prime Minister Stephen Harper announced that an undisclosed number of Canadian soldiers would remain in the country to help train and mentor the Afghan National Army until 12 March 2014

YOUR country thinks it was stable enough to remove troops. What special about the US staying?

Uh…maybe they thought they weren’t needed anymore because the US could handle the rest

Or they could stay and help keep the country stable.

If Canada thinks the job was done FOUR years ago, then I think the US can leave now with Canadian support.

They could have but they didnt because they didnt think we needed their help anymore.

What we are capable of today has nothing to do with whether we needed Canada help 4 years ago.

Canada should stay as long as America but im asking what you want the point of the war on terror to be simply to kill terrorist as they pop up or remove them completey

America is better at the job but we should still be there helping

You guys seem to be defending the never ending wars just fine… it’s amazing.

Ya’ll are chicken hawks now. Hilarious

Under Bush these wars were imperialism… Now libs love war…

Trumpists no longer want to fight terror.