Looks like Brexit is happening Queen agrees to suspend parliament

i had someone ask me “what do you think of your prince getting married to that american?”…“umm im french” " i know that’s is what i am asking you since you know europe"


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rUK means rest of the UK, if Scotland left.

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Democracy in action folks.

Meritocracy is fine. Trump is president. Bolsonaro is president. Boris Johnson is prime minister.

The west is best. Clearly.

First off, your no. 2 is presumptuous. There is no evidence to even suggest that without the EU, that Europe would have been embroiled in another war other than its previous history. We are now on our third generation of Europeans who grew up without war. Times have changed. I don’t think the have anything to worry about if the EU flounders.

The people of the former Yugoslavia and Eastern Ukraine might have a different perspective on that.

And something like that will replace the EU if and when it dissolves. This nonsense that the EU must be preserved to preserve the peace is pure fear mongering.

That was an ethic civil war. And the existence of the EU didn’t prevent it. Don’t worry. Germany is not going to invade France, Austria or Poland if the EU fails.

Because if there is anything about Europe is cultural unity…wait

There has been conflict in Europe since WWII, a lot of it.

You can bet your life if the Irish border issue isn’t resolved we could well see bloodshed sooner rather later.
That is the trouble with Europe,there are too many countries with niggling problems with neighbours going back centuries,where there are long standing distrust issues or even outright hatred of each other. Working together instead of opposing each other has been a good thing in my view.

I recall the statement that if there was a hard border again on the Ireland - Northern Ireland border it would immediately become a target. Is this likely to happen if a hard border becomes a reality again?

It would very much become a target, also a hard border would be economic death sentence for Norther Ireland.

Over 500 years of history is evidence enough.

So there was been war within two non EU European countries in recent years

And none within EU countries.

Seems like the EU is fulfilling its primary function.

And a hard brexit is guaranteed to see a resumption of violence in N Ireland, and quite possible on mainland Britain.

Yeah…like speaking English in Quebec…amirite?

Most definitely,it would a great boost to the dissident republican terrorists as they have always said the Good Friday agreement was wrong.If the Republicans up their military campaign you will inevitably see the return of the Loyalist paramilitaries.

It’s a hard nut to crack,I don’t see a solution that will satisfy both the Irish and the EU at the present time.

Conflict yes, but not war … not in Western Europe (which is what the EU is about) anyway. The Kosovo war in 1999 as the first since the end of WWII, and it was confined to the area then called Yugoslvia and to some extent, Albania. That 54 year period is the longest era of peace in the history of Europe.

They are more culturally akin then the people of the United States.

No … it is not. If that were true, the EU couldn’t prevent war either. The previous 500 years were conflicts between monarchies or empires. The last of the empires were gone by the 19th century and WWI marked the end of monarchies … WWII was essentially WWI part II. Since the end of that sequel, the countries of Europe have all moved to a representative form of government in whch the power to perpetuate historic grievances is significantly diluted.