Looks like Brexit is happening Queen agrees to suspend parliament

Eh… I dunno about that.

At least most of us speak the same language.

The non-EU status of the countries involved in the recent wars has nothing to do with the wars. And in spite of the potential resurgence violence in Northern Ireland, that is not a war in the sense we are taking. At most, it is a rebellion. It is not Government Army against Government Army or really even a Rebel Army against a Government Army (i.e. a civil war.)

Language can be learned, culture is inbred. The US is the most culturally diverse contry on the planet.

Which proves no point, Serbs hate Albanians and vice versa this feud goes back to the Ottoman Empire. On a side note many in Greece and Italy dislike Albanians as well this goes to religion and ethnicity.

500 years of war
EU (and its progenitor organization) happens …no war

its not a complicated thing but whatever

True but German culture and French culture, just as one example, are as dramatically different as southern culture and New England culture.

So you are just going to ignore the end of empires and monarchies. Whatever indeed, go ahead and spread your fear in hopes of preserving the EU. It’s no skin off my nose either way.

Has anyone ever explained the difference between cause and coincidence to you?

Are you still doing the “technically correct, the best kind of correct” thing? The IRA’s totally not a civil war terrorism campaign got independence for three quarters of Ireland and bedeviled the British for another eighty years. ■■■■■ the Provos almost assassinated the Queen one time, and almost wiped out the entire leadership of the Conservative Party another, and it didn’t happen by sheerest luck.

yup because unlike you…i actually have a voice over there

Still, it was not a war.

Literally known as the War for Irish Independence, Mr. Technically Correct. Considered a civil war by both sides.

hasn’t been technically correct in the entire thread…

Did the EU or one of its predecessors stop it? You can’t have it both ways.

In the early 1920s?

Right, so it predates this discussion regarding the post WWII era. You may as well have brought up the war of the roses.

…are you being deliberately obtuse?

People are rightly worried it will bring the Troubles back.

Your whole “Brits are inherently subservient because they don’t have guns” nonsense was more coherent than your arguments in this thread, which have changed at least three times I’ve seen.

Has anyone explained to you the difference between the UK and GB?

No, I’m merely being deliberate.

A civil war in Ireland in the 1920s did not break the peace in post WWII Europe. THAT is what was being discussed, in conjunction with the EU, NOT wars prior to that milestone.

how long did the civil war last…