Look at he drive towards the sensible middle on abortion!

In that scenario…I guess he would rather the baby suffer. Which is his choice.

After the “infant is delivered” and “infant is kept comfortable”, what is the conversation?

What a stupid post. Try being a parent before opening cakehole.


“He” who?

What’s “his” position on abortion?

His words. Your link. You even admitted to it.

What is the conversation?

In the case of say, a baby born with no brain, which is an example of the tragic conditions he was referencing, they will discuss when to terminate life support.

Tough stuff.

Is that what he said?

Yes it is.

That is the only thing that I can figure anymore. There are some that need to ignore the suffering and tragedy that sadly exists from the fact that there are in some instances non viable fetuses that will die shortly after birth and there is nothing that can be done to change that.

It shows a complete lack of empathy or understanding and the ■■■■■■ up thing about it… they are acting like it is the moral thing to do. To force that onto people. It is pure evil.

You responded. So you knew it was you.

This wasn’t about abortion. This is about after birth and what to do with a baby that will die shortly after birth. Let it suffer and die naturally or peaceful end it’s life.

tragic decision either way… and I would not want the government in the middle of that decision

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No it isn’t. But I will listen to it again if you give me the minute in the video.

Was the question about an infant born with no brain and removing life support?

Is it ever?

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I knew it was about me from the mealey-mouthed side-eye you and your ilk use.

Yes it was, he was asked a question about 3rd trimester abortion.


You should sit this one out.

It is a good faith argument. Right up until the lying about what the ■■■■ bag said.

I’m not arguing the morality of abortion.

Have you been a parent of a new baby with a deadly defect? If not, you should sit this one out too.


Use the vox video.

I am a parent.