Look at he drive towards the sensible middle on abortion!



No, they weren’t.

He was discussing abortion, in the 3rd trimester. Listen to it.


The fact that you think ANYONE wants to kill a healthy born baby is ridiculous. Stop this… you are smarter than this.

Stick to the switch.

Yes. He was discussing what would happen if a mother had a failed third trimester abortion. The baby’s would obviously be born, however that was likely a medical reason for the abortion. If that reason was a birth defect that would lead to the eventual death of the baby… it would be up to the mother and the physician as to what they should do.

What switch? You believe he advocated for killing a healthy born baby. He clearly did not do that. You can have issues with their trimester abortion without lying.

and he said (the the effect) ‘the types of pregnancies that would require third term aboritons are the ones in which the fetus is badly deformed. These babies would otherwise be delivered, made comfortable and die.’.

No, you haven’t listened to it. Have a nice day.

I didn’t hear him say failed abortion, but I’ll listen to it again.

I heard him discussing the rare and terrible cases that require a third term abortion.

He certainly wasn’t discussing killing a born healthy baby.



Wonder why.

This is the only thing that matters. Nobody would support that. To include this governor.

It’s brain dead to even think someone would.


Doubling down?

I guess I was wrong. Carry on

The infant will be delivered.


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I listen again. He is saying if a woman has a non viable baby and is dialated they baby would be delivered and made comfortable and die.

He described birth. Not abortion.

Because he wasn’t talking about abortion. He was describing a non viable fetus being delivered.


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