Look At DeSantis Go!

Well, that’s not true.

“I have no interest in getting involved in some type of manufactured circus by some Soros DA,” he said. “He’s trying to do a political spectacle. He’s trying to virtue signal for his base. I’ve got real issues I got to deal with here in the state of Florida.”

My guy!

“I’ve got to spend my time on issues that actually matter to people,” he said. “I can’t spend my time worrying about things of that nature.”

I also think just in terms of my approach to leadership, I get personnel in the Government who have the agenda of the people and share our agenda. You bring your own agenda in you’re gone. We’re just not gonna have that. So, the way we run the Government I think is no daily drama, focus on the big picture and put points on the board and I think that’s something that’s very important.”

Poll time

from Poll: Majority thinks fetal heartbeat abortion bans aren’t too restrictive – The Hill

More than half of registered voters believe that laws banning abortion after the sixth week of pregnancy are not too restrictive, according to a new Hill-HarrisX survey.

I don’t think late term abortion is the winner you think it is.


Four year old poll before most of these heartbeat laws were passed. Calling abortions after 6 weeks late term is false. Late term abortions take place after 6 months.

Have any evidence more people support abortion past six weeks now as opposed to then?

I agree with DeSantis that character and a chaotic style are Trump’s big drawbacks. I don’t agree so much about handling Covid by keeping Fauci. By that time,Trump would have been torn apart if he had dumped Fauci. And who elsewould he have gotten?
Notice DeSantis managed to tear into Trump without calling him names or making up silly nicknames…a plus in my book but probably not everyone’s.
Trump is saying next time he is going to get rid of the deep state. How did he fair at that last time? He started out by selecting an AG that basically recused himself from doing anything to defend Trump.

Well, if Trump does end up getting re-elected, I would anticipate a significant coat tail effect. And that could put the PSRA back into play. He could reap the alleged deep state like a field of wheat.

Which is well and proper. Protecting the president is not the job of the AG.

2022 Kansas abortion referendum - Wikipedia.

I’d say that the Kansas abortion referendum last year is pretty good proof. Of course, there could be a few idiots that voted against a full on abortion ban but support a six week ban, but I doubt it’s more than a 2%. This is Kansas, one of the most conservative states in the country. And they voted in favor of abortion by 60%.

Right now, these bans in states aren’t making that big of an impact because women can cross state lines. But if there was a nationwide ban, it would be an epic disaster for everyone.

Name one other attorney general that promised to recuse himself from anything that involved their President. If he didn’t believe he could be impartial, or fake it like Garland and every other AG, he should have offered to withdraw himself.
Do you seriously believe Garland would have had a raid on Biden the way he did with Trump?
And Sessions recused himself from anything to do with Hillary. The equivalent would be Garland recusing himself from anything to do with Trump.
It might be well and proper but it isn’t tradition. And it certainly isn’t dismantling the deep state.

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What do you think the Attorney General’s job is?

It’s not to defend the President.

Can you name one other AG that didn’t recuse themselves from any DoJ investigations of their boss?

We only need to look at Lynch’s handling of Hillary’s emails and Holder’s handling of Fast and Furious to see how much they were into recusing over political conflicts of interest.


Bluster all that you like, it is not the job of the AG to “protect” the president.

Which has nothing to do with my original point that it is not the way to dismantle the deep state.

So long as you acknowledge your factual error, it’s all good

Everyone except the unborn you mean.

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Maybe some of the unborn. Those with even a bit of privilege will still be able to get abortions.

Except it’s been investigated by the police who found nothing “lewd” about the show.