Look at all gas guzzling pickup Trucks at Biden event

Man -You are gonna be in for a massive shock come morning of nov 4th.

I won’t, actually. :wink:

And I disagree with what he wants to spend.

I still support my balanced budget amendment. sometime I’ll post it for you.

And there it is tax the rich, make them pay for all the “free” stuff.

It’s very easy to social distance at a Biden rally. :rofl:

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Thats fine. Thats legit. Reasonable people can disagree about where to spend the money. But lets not pretend somehow that anyone cares about the budget right now.


Its a lot more then just “Tax the rich” but end of day -if you want to do simplicfactions -Id rather “Tax the rich” then “give tax breaks to rich and hope it trickles down”.

My preference is a single tax rate (flat tax) for all taxpayers. A single deduction = to 80% of federal minimum wage. No other deductions or credits And one tax payer per tax form.

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Not to get sidetrack - but i use to be a huge supporter of the flat tax. But then i heard a great arguement that change me.
1st -We have to recognize that taxes all started off as a flat tax.
2nd -You have to decide what gets taxed? Income only? Capital gains?

but the arguement that really moved me was that the Federal Goverment has very little power actualyl to encourge people to do things -EXCEPT by tax deducations.

the 2 examples given to me -
A- Home ownership reduces goverment spending. in neighborhoods where more people own homes then rent, crime is lower, parks and sidewalks and such are better maintained, schools are better, etc. The results is Goverment spends less in those areas and people still have beter quality of life. How can the federal goverment encourge more people to buy homes - but not in a way the is reckless and results in defaulting on homes? Well _The best way to do that was a deduction on mortage intrest. So that is a deduction that most likely pays for itself over and over.
B- Busniess that invest more in research and development create more inventions, push technology forward, and help everyone, including the economoy. Sometimes -the companies that that create something arent always the ones that make the most money from it, because someone else comes along and makes that invention more marketable. So how can the goverment encourge private companies to continue to research and develop more tech that pushes us all forward? Well-the targeted research and tax credit that was around for 25 years really helped that. It produced greater marketable technology then the goverment ever would have but pushed all of us forward.

There are countless other examples - but sometimes, the only tool goverment has is tax credits and tax deductions.

No…no…no…I loved the “Four more years…” in the background.

Unfortunately it does. I would like to see it as an amendment.

ALL income. Capital gains, wages, inheritance, prizes, interest, dividends, rent, royalties . . . and anything else.

For businesses a flat tax as well. Dedection only for money paid out and taxed on a personal level. Same with individuals, all inclome counted. After the deduction for what is taxed at a personal level, then a single dedction of 30%. Then a flat tax. I’d also make it so any revenue NOT claimed and taxed is NOT counted in their accounting for share holders. If they keep money off shore, or in other corporations based in other countries, it can’t count as revenue to a US company.

We’ve given out trillions this year. We have the money apparently

And he’s still leading the polls :rofl::rofl::rofl:

All that wasted energy, those lights, logistics setting that up for what…10 20 people?

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Dude Biden isn’t gonna to fix Jack and ■■■■■ He’s going to do the same thing every presidents do by calling the Fed to print a ton of money, there is little else a president can do other than get in the way of industry growth. We are going to be approaching Italy levels of debt to gdp ratio’s because of all of this quantitative easing.

People who think that Biden is going to wave the dementia wand and magically fix the damage caused by a global pandemic that has crippled the worlds economy is in for a very unpleasant surprise. If there is a vaccine it will not be from the government it will be from some private company who created it.

Both the left and right are pushing for the same thing, more money printing in the trillions. If I had to bet on a long term winner right now it would be all those people sitting on a bunch of solid gold coins.


Oh this is funny, even though there were not many they were all SUV’s and Trunks. :roll_eyes:

Yep, being responsible is a welcome change in the President.

Even without cult like rallies… he’s leading in the polls. :rofl:

All that waste, time etc setting up the stage, the fence, lights.


Why? The results likely won’t be finalized for a minimum of 14 days; the courts have ordered it.

Such a small statement and so full of falshoods.

1- Results are finalized as soon as they are finalized. Some states allow counting of all ballots postmarked by election day to be counted for up to 3 days after, some 7 days after. Have no heard of 14 days -But maybe. Still have to postmarked by election day.
2- States know how many were sent out and how many are received -There comes a time where even before the deadlines -Results are known.
3- Some states can start counting before elction day - so less to count. We may very well be looking at such a blowout that even states who dont have a final result -dont matter. I.E -If Biden wins FL, VA and AZ (States that can count ahead of time) even if PA and WI are still in doubt -He may have already won.

So biden has this fantastic plan for reopening that he doesn’t talk about, and his dimocrat Governor buddies aren’t following??

This is just too weird.

Must not be that great of a plan.

Yeah…now libs are saying it’s going to be a Biden landslide.

They’re propagating a violent post election outcome if and when Trump wins.