Look at all gas guzzling pickup Trucks at Biden event

You do realize that Biden is essentially asking supporters to blindly trust governor mandates to continue to stay home and not attend much of anything?

Not even to venture out to work to sustain themselves in many instances seems seriously flawed to put it mildly.

Yet Biden more than backs peacefully protest for most anything else besides his own campaign since there is a pandemic and all.

You know what? Yes! Absolutely! I quit giving a flying ■■■■ about all the whiny “I don’t want to wear a mask because my freeberty!” losers a long time ago. I’m now at the point that if people want to act like children they should be treated as such. And what do we do with children that act up? Well, many here seem to lament the decline of a good ass whoopin’.

And it is not far fetched to imagine Biden’s chances in general election in 3 weeks will be harmed if we the people hear him firmly commit to not stand in the way of any Dem completely controlled Congress to pack the court either.

Please quote constitutional authority to do so

Here is the report that is referred to.

The Federalist’s takeaway is perhaps the most crass example of twisting an article to say something that it doesn’t I have seen in a while.

The study shows that the case patients were twice as likely to go to a bar/coffee shop or restaurant than the control.

So in an article that clearly states that community spread is more likely to happen to people who participate in activities where social distancing is reduced and masks are taken down to eat or drink that taking away from it that “Masks don’t work” is really really really stupid.

Read the primary sources people!

I hope even if you are dishonest here you are at least honest with yourself. We all know he said he would listen to the science and the question was “If they experts said shut down again would you” and he said “Sure”.

But the experts arent saying that and neither is Biden. Its just a commitment to listen to the experts.

What is the consitutional authority to enforce a drinking age of 21…or at all?
Yet the feds do it by tying federal highway funding to it.

So no federal funding for…whatever…unless you implement a mask mandate.

He has shared it. Even has it on his website.

Biden can’t do that alone. Hard to see that passing both houses of congress. Then cuort challenges if it did.

Court has already ruled on that. Look up South Dakota vs Dole.

Try that on, it fits better. Posted speed limits are determined for safety. How many cars and trucks blow past you like you’re standing still while you’re obeying the posted speed limit?

So where is he getting all the money for free,free,free?

  • A decisive public health response that ensures the wide availability of free testing; the elimination of all cost barriers to preventive care and treatment for COVID-19; the development of a vaccine; and the full deployment and operation of necessary supplies, personnel, and facilities.

And even more money for paid time off?

  • A decisive economic response that starts with emergency paid leave for all those affected by the outbreak and gives all necessary help to workers, families, and small businesses that are hit hard by this crisis. Make no mistake: this will require an immediate set of ambitious and progressive economic measures, and further decisive action to address the larger macro-economic shock from this outbreak.

Are all the libs and never trumpers who keep highlighting Trumps defecit this year going to say anything about biden blank check proposal?

Biden believes we must spend whatever it takes, without delay, to meet public health needs and deal with the mounting economic consequences.

Most of his talking points require buckets of money and legislation from congress.

Any new law can be challenged in court. All based on language in the bill.

Both of those bullets are somewhat already in place

You mean he has a plan that could help all businesses reopen safely RIGHT NOW and he’s waiting until he’s gets elected to share it with us lowly Americans??

If I was him I’d be shouting out that plan daily/hourly so places like Michigan, California, New York…could allll open right now.

Why hasn’t he shared this plan with his dimocrat Governor buddies??

Is that a joke. NOW you want to argue money? Trump himself is now saying he wants to spend MORE then the dems.
Trump has racked up the BIGGEST deficint in US history TIMES 3!!! And STILL has not solved the issue because he refused to plan ahead.
But NOW -all of a sudden, you are once again concerend about money and deficits?

I thought after racking up a deficit 3x higher then any deficit in history the Republicans would at least wait a couple months before they pretended to care about deficits again.

HAving said that -I will still answer. Bidens tax plan will raise 3.8 Trillion according to the non partisian Taxfoundation and not sllow down growth. Trumps tax plan has cost us almost 2 trillion.

So thats almost 6 trillion right there.


Once again -He has. You REALLY should check out his website instead of just asking me.
You have google correct?

Isnt it great when a canidate actually cares about his supporters and mandates that they stay safe as opposed to stroke his ego.

You thinking this means anything is like me posting a picture of the last Dolphins home game and the last patriots home game, seeing more fanst at the dolphins game and determining that Dolphins have more popularty then the Patriots.

Yeah, all 10 of them. :rofl: