Live Stream: Michael Flynn Sentencing 12/18/2018


This wretched hack:

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Well there goes that talking point. They’ll still use it though of course.

:laughing: Now I remember. That’s a naughty thought.

Trumpers are clearly avoiding this thread…

Just locker room talk!

The revolving door is fun to watch.

There are immigrants to be angry about.

There’s a guy with a sign that says “Make America Normal Again”

What does that mean? Are we weird now?

I voted for zero prison time for Flynn. I think that he should get mercy. He has cooperated and gave lots or information to Mueller.

Right. If Mueller can use Flynn to take down the president, then I think Flynn provided a valuable service to the country.

Nah. He needs to wear an orange jump suit. If only to counter his “lock her up” cheer at the RNC.

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The dude should get 10 years- but I would prefer zero time so that other Trump henchmen and crooks come forth and spill al the beans…

I see what you’re saying.

I want some nominal prison time for the sake of justice and to push back on the wild-eyed theories of deep state folk.

But if I want to maximize crazy, then yes, no prison time is best.

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Here’s a curious subplot nested inside a Russian doll:

The BBC Russian Service reported that the GRU chief died in Lebanon. According to the report, Donald Trump’s former national security adviser Michael Flynn revealed this during the questioning by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) on Russia’s alleged meddling in the US election. The BBC did not provide any data confirming Flynn’s words.

Well okay then

That was quick. :rofl:

This tweet isn’t aging well.

Not as quick as some poisons can work!

Judge ain’t happy.
Flynn, why did you have to lie? Who were you trying to protect?

This is not aging well either.

“Flynn did not commit a crime by lying,” Dershowitz said during a Fox News interview Monday.