Live Stream: Michael Flynn Sentencing 12/18/2018


Fox News isn’t going to be happy.


Bam! Traitor.


Millions of balloons just deflated all at once.

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Well, that solves that mystery.

Yes, I have.

I’ve had a bad feeling that Flynn’s been trying to work some shady angle, so he can recant it all and then hop on the victim-of-a-deep-state conspiracy train. Destination: wingnut welfare.


Hardest hit: millions of gullible dopes who fell for it including Dershowitz, Gulliaini and Fox News.

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Almost 6000 people watching, on a Tuesday morning. People are obviously interested in this story that’s developing before our eyes!

Well, isnt that obvious? HRC was also aware that lying to the FBI is a crime.

I think that the FBI should have to inform someone that they are on the record.

I have naughty thoughts.

It’s been a while. All I remember is the building burning down and the printer getting destroyed in the field.

“I was aware I was lying to the FBI”. —Flynn

Music to my ears. I wonder what the CEC narrative is going to be today.

Hey, remember this? I do!

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Pepperidge Farms remembers.

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The traiterous actions of members of the Trump admin. are coming home to roost.

Flynn’s rights were not violated.

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Of course he is- but I’m pretty sure Mueller has the “rat” cornered and boxed in.

The scene where they’re realizing they made mistakes and that they are going to prison, but "not white color resort prison, nonono. They’re going to federal… prison.

I don’t think any of the words would trip the filter, but when you put them together… I err on the side of caution.

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He was made to do it…by big bad Mueller…because there was no lawyer. If there had been a lawyer he wouldn’t have lied about his crimes…so um…um…