Live Stream: Michael Flynn Sentencing 12/18/2018

Will Fylnn get his own Fox Show like Ollie North?

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Well he’s not wrong
He committed multiple crimes

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Reading some of the defenses of Flynn–dumb, dishonest, absurd–I won’t be surprised if they try to pull the Loverboy Get Lucky gambit:

Trump, Limbaugh, Dershowitz, et. al.: Flynn’s fingers were clearly crossed as he spoke to the judge!


“In like Flynn: live from cellblock B”

Why was Flynn wearing red leather pants at the sentencing?

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Regardless, it’s already been another great Infrastructure Week.

Here comes the hammer.

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I think the president’s phone was taken away from him a few hours ago. The first lady and the VP are posting on his Twitter feed now.

So glad the holiday means usually slowdown in news. Looking forward to the long weekend…


BTW, it was the very first time that chant was started.

Scribbles notes: Mag likes right red leather.


This is so transparently an effort by the Deep State to give 60 percent of the country a very merry Christmas.


Fat shaming is bullying… Good liberals hate it.

Yup the irony would be so delicious

Almost 8000 people watching the live feed.

I can’t believe I’ve been watching this for an hour now.

Judge to Flynn - “You sold your country out.” :scream:


Welcome, Cratic. Thank you for coming. Please take a seat. Make yourself comfortable.

Tea? Coffee?


Day ■■■■■■■ umm.

That is the stuff, man.


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But we do love seeing traitors get their commenpence live on tv