Live Stream: Donald Trump Rally Macon, GA November 4, 2018

Trump is doing 3 rallies tomorrow!!! He has the biggest stamina of any President ever.

More than the pink hat mob. They fizzled out quickly. They couldn’t even get the anatomy correct when they named their pink hat.

Red is a strong color.

Pink is a weak color.

If Hillary runs in 2020 the left will be chanting “Help her up”

She will probably be dead before 2020. She was barely clinging onto life in 2016.

They have a scooby do scooter for her

Weekend at Hillary’s?

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I remember all the faux concern posts for Clinton during the campaign on the old forums. Good stuff.

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What anatomy did they get wrong?

He’s going to need that full morning of “executive time” these next few days. Laying in bed, watching TV, doing his hair and makeup. Laziest president ever.

I’m going laugh when Donald Trump uses these forums as a way to go after his detractors. He has the full power of the CoJ and it is easy to track you libs down by your IP address. Go ahead and call him names. He punches down.

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They put pink hats on their heads. They weren’t even close to the right body part.

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Im uber excited. Thats 30% more excitment. I love trump more than any of you!


Trump loves you long time.

I bet he is relieved Nov is a slow news month and the greens are always slow

Mushroom Cap Style!

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Thankfully, after all the Democrats vote on November 7th, we won’t have to talk about elections for awhile.

I was thinking of upgrading to an AR-15 last night. I dont know why I was scared. But I trust my instincts

I’ve been laying landmines around my property.

Dems are too busy filling out welfare forms to vote!