Live Stream: Donald Trump Rally Macon, GA November 4, 2018

So can you lie in bed and get all that done? While eating a breakfast of Frosted Flakes andd Egg Mcmuffins? Our President is truly amazing

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That sounds like California. This is what happens when you have 3 billion illegal immigrants voting in your state though.

Can sex slaves vote? Is there a 3/5ths rule?

Only once they reach Nevada.

Donald will be so high energy tomorrow. Rallying the denizens of Trumpistan, hunching over multiple podiums, squinting furiously at those who dare question the importance and progress of MAGA. GOP wins most bigly on Tuesday, gaining seats in both the House and Senate and confounding the naysayers of the lib mob media. Gonna be so sweet. :us:

yes, but the trannys count as 4/5thsā€¦

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See Donald cares

He has gotta be on some fantastic Venuzualen blow

Has trump mentioned the deficit or paying down the debt in any if his rallies. Suckers!!!

Obama couldnā€™t decrease the deficit the way Trump is doing. This is what we voted for.


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An employer clawed into my window and offered me a job. I told him that thanks for Trump I already have six jobs. He said he would triple my pay if I quit them all. I shot him in the face.


You should have pointed him my way. I would love to have a job doing the things I already do for free. Especially if itā€™s for big bucks.

Sorry. Heā€™s dead now. Castle Doctrine for the win.

I love the Frank Castle Doctrine.

Maybe Frank Castle is where the Castle Doctrine came from. I donā€™t see many castles in my town anymore, like the in the old days, when you found your way to school by turning at the castles along the way. Left at the trebuchet till you reach the moat. Youā€™re probably too young for all of that.

Got a gewd belly laugh outer dat 1

Iā€™ve played every Civ game since 2.

Something I discovered last year is that you can end just about any story with ā€œSo I shot him in the faceā€ and it will get a laugh. Try it. Itā€™s almost foolproof.

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Sounds like an anthony jeselnick thing. Iā€™ll try it out!

I was having a conversation with the Presidentā€¦