Literally no one wants to talk to Joe Biden

I liked the 13 second clip better. It gave me more feelings. But if I have to see that extended one, I’m going to say he was indeed actually looking for someone’s hair to smell and he found someone.

Whoever she appoints. I hope it’s Bernie Sanders.

We’ll see how smart Hunter Biden is when he starts implicating his old man in pay to play schemes when the plea deal is offered.

The title of the thread is “literally nobody wants to talk to Joe Biden”. All we have to do is look at the video from yesterday. The President of the United States being completely ignored by his own people…wandering lost around the room…putting his hand on Obama’s shoulder trying to get someone to let him in on the conversation. It is not intellectually lazy” to recognize that the leader of the free world gave off the impression of a lost child in that setting. I wonder what the folks who watched it in Beijing thought?

Several of us have been saying for months that someday the polls would crumble under Biden and democrats would react. We might be headed in that direction.


Put “que mala” or “que malo” into a Spanish-to-English translator and see what you get.

Well when your own party don’t want you to run again that says something.

According to a CNN Poll
Forty-five percent of Democrats said the party should renominate Biden, while 51 percent said they preferred an alternative. Five percent said they had no opinion on the matter.

I guess we’ll have to see how the numbers change since this survey from last year. I don’t see Trump ever commanding much respect abroad, relative to Biden or any other Democrat. Maybe in places like Russia, given their state news coverage.

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45% seems pretty high actually. I’d like an alternative and then I see the alternatives are Kamala, Buttigieg….Warren……all the same people that lost the nomination last time? An older Biden vs the field.

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Oh please. There are people on both sides that make good livings doing dishonest hit pieces like this

It’s just going to get worse. How can it not?

Unless Biden changes direction in everything…

It’s April…the Democrats are completely out of touch with things that matter to most of us…food /fuel/our kids/safe homes and neighborhoods/our money…

Democrat proprieties seen to be wide open borders- blame the oil companies - CRT and that gender nonsense in kindergarten- masking kids in school and people on planes but declaring the pandemic over at the border next month…

Go ahead and run on that nonsense see how far it gets you Dems.


In what way was this disgusting?

The RW media dropped this last night, and y’all couldn’t wait to parrot it verbatim- literally without adding any observations of your own.

If that isn’t intellectual laziness, what is it?



That’s the same situation the GOP is in, while many of us would like to see and alternative to Trump I don’t know how anyone can beat him in the primaries. Same with Biden it might be extremely difficult to primary a sitting president.

This is such a bunch of crap—not even counting the fact that the GOP and MAGA skew older: Lots and lots of pensioners, like my own Republican parents.

BTW: this mirrors much of Putin’s support in Russia. No one loves him more than Stalin-era babushkas.

The fake news lied to dems about Biden’s brain working. All they had to do was show him in sunglasses


Has not.

Sorry, he’s not a candidate for re-election yet.

Bet you thought LBJ was gonna run in 1968 too…


Cotton is such a dead-eyed sadist.

Here’s a list.

No joe biden and no Donald trump.


It really begs the question do the democrats want to lose. After all the negative news over the past six months that keep coming one after another then another welcome mat laid out for illegal migration which isn’t popular with republicans or independents.

I guess it will take the midterms for a wake up sadly I think they will just make up excuses for the upcoming colossal smack down that will make Will Smiths Oscar smack look weak in comparison.


Nobody would know russia better than our own lib America grown versions of bolsheviks.