Literally no one wants to talk to Joe Biden

Yes, that’s why Russian state TV uses so many Democrats in their propaganda to bolster their lies.

Argle bargle argle bargle.

This is nothing new. Whenever Democrats get the Presidency and the Congress they always think they have some kind of mandate and then they lose big.


Don’t let me strike a lib nerve. The famous lib 3 r’s. Always the go to for libs. Recession, racism, and rush-sha.

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Really…no observation on our own.

That’s what you want to go with.

This entire thread is based on a series of observations on our own.

Smartest guy in the room libs really aren’t all that bright folks.


Anyone can see the man is suffering from a mental disorder, during the primaries the other democrats where joking about him forgetting what he had just said. We all knew it. Then he won and it has been nothing but denial even as it more evident as each day passes. Can you imagine how one is going to be able to run excuse for the next 2 and 1/2 years for him.

After a thousand times it’s no longer a gaffe.


A thread started with a hit piece video doesn’t end up in fever dreams?

Of course not. Nor the Hilary Convicted thread

No this thread is full of you rehashing in different word what the source material put out there.

You couldn’t wait to do it.

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These are diffe (R) ent.

That’s primarily for threads that make Republicans look bad. Like: the party’s so ■■■■■■■ nuts now this forum needs a sub forum that acts as a heat sink to dissipate the insanity.


It almost makes me miss the tea party, where at least there was a conservative principle being parroted.

I can’t remember the last time there was a thread about a GOP policy or platform idea.

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how bad :+1:

Biden has some serious mental problems. And this guy is who libs voted for.

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No he doesn’t. But given how important this narrative is, you©️ have to deceptively alter video clips (lie) to support it.

This is the problem with you smart guy libs…you’re so convinced you know more than everybody else you refuse to recognize how stupid you sound.

Biden appeared with Obama…the people in that room very clearly gravitated to Obama. Biden was left at one point walking around alone…at another standing outside a circle of people hovering with Obama with his hand on his shoulder looking like a teenager trying to get into the cool kids group.

What conclusion would you have drawn.

And don’t you dare lecture us about Rehashing the source material.

Do you remember all the threads echoing “sources close to the story say Trump did something horrible today” four four plus years before and during that presidency. You folks aren’t allowed to say or think anything other than the confirmed party line…

America is racist
It was an insurrection
White supremacy
Climate change

Leftists speak with one voice consistently and anyone who disagrees with the approved lib line is on the outs…banned and canceled.

Seriously don’t lecture us about “rehashing the source material.


They won’t answer the phone. They’re ghosting yaboi.

Hillary’s still alive?

I heard she was on her deathbed 5-6 years ago.

Right here, in fact.

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Yep, even more than this man. :wink:

The Vice President must be qualified to be President, so no. But he could, however, enter the line of succession as Secretary of State or Speaker of the House.

He’s lucky that Obama’s SS detail didn’t block him (or worse) from latching his hand onto Obama’s shoulder. Now that would have been a fun video to see. :wink: