Lies told by Biden and Trump

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You like to do this bizarre thing where you set random stipulations on the burden of proof, and if people don’t jump through your hoops you claim “victory”. It’s lazy, disingenuous, and ultimately, done in bad faith. You’re provided a source document with hundreds of examples of Trump lying, probably don’t even open the link, and then dismiss it because reasons. If you actually cared you’d just go to YouTube and search for “compilation trump lies” and get the proof you’re looking for.


Uh, huh…recorded so that lies are removed from the equation of proof. Just admit it. You can’t do it because it doesn’t exist and yet, there are plenty of recordings of Biden lying. Now are you mature enough to admit you’re wrong?

This is truly bizarre.

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I’ll take that as a “no”.

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Did we miss this from yesterday?

That one is a WHOPPER with Cheese!


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Fact check: Mostly true.

Trump imposed tariffs on Mexican steel and threatened to end NAFTA. Mexico at least partially offset the cost of the wall as a result.

Trump lifted the tariffs after negotiating an agreement to limit immigration through Mexico, which arguably was a quicker and more effective way of controlling immigration than waiting for a wall to be completed.


Using a CIA/FBI mouthpiece to support CIA/FBI narratives is hardly original.

What is next, a letter from 50+ “former” operatives?

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Bat boy lives.

Personally I am more concerned about the rare occasions when Biden actually tells the truth.

I guess he can’t resist celebrating his accomplishments even when they are somewhere between cringeworthy and criminal.

You are going to ignore everything that is ever pointed out to you. You and i played this game several times and you just shift topics every time.

In this very thread @margaretms2 specifically outlines lies and you ignored all of it

You aren’t seeking anything other than to jump up and down and repeat.

True believers be like that though


Here is a biden whopper.

No president has had the run we’ve had in terms of creating jobs and bringing down inflation," Biden told CNN’s Erin Burnett. “It was 9% when I came to office.”

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I love when you tell me what I said. When Trump said that he preferred soldiers that weren’t captured, referring to John McCain and his time in the Hanoi Hilton…it was the most despicable and unPresidential thing I’ve EVER heard any President say. Now that said, if you have something to offer that displays either Biden or Trump lying…have at it but thus far, Biden is without question the biggest liar. Not only is he a liar, he’s the biggest liar of any President EVER!

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There are plenty of displays here. You want to ignore them for the sake of calling Biden whatever you want to call him

Biden probably doesn’t even crack the top 5 for the biggest liars


You keep living like 2017 was the beginning of history and not just history - Trump washed history

This is some wild gaslighting. Top tier in the history of this forum. Just crazy stuff.

I know and as the days go by, the number of lies continues to increase at an increasing rate. Now swallow this Brandonite truth.


To be fair Biden has had 50 years to master the craft of fictional existential rhetoric for fun and profit.

He had to abandon his 1988 run for lying. Thirty two years later he ran from his basement and blamed Trump for killing people with the China flu and viola…he is the worst President ever.

Biden is not even a good liar.

Trump is the king of boast and promotion which stretches the truth and sells the goods. Much different.

Trump was correct about everything he said would happen in 2020 with a President Biden…if anything Trump undersold the doom.

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So funny. He can’t stop lying and he can’t find the truth with both hands.


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You may have a point with LBJ as a BIGGER liar.

LBJ was clearly a much better liar. LBJ was a better President because he knew when to get off the stage.

Poor guy had so much trouble getting pants to fit.


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Come on man!