Lies told by Biden and Trump

I was raised in a Puerto Rican community



No meat.

Here’s one:

“We had a reelection the second time. We actually did much better than the first time. We won in Wisconsin, as you know, the first time. The second time we did much better,” Trump said.

Trump also falsely claimed that he won after “wrongdoing” was discovered in the 2020 election.

“But I guess it was delayed,” Trump continued. “They found out a lot of wrongdoing. And after the wrongdoing was found, people said, ‘Well, he actually did win.’”

Recounts and reviews upheld Biden’s victory and found there was no widespread voter fraud in the 2020 election.

PolitiFact Wisconsin has debunked these claims before, and we’ll continue doing so as Trump repeats them in this cycle.

Oh, let me think.

Remember when Trump declared Sadaam Hussein killed terrorists?

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is there evidence they are not?

opposition to the born alive bill does support execution of babies. In “fact”, as I recall, years ago the born alive idea was instigated by a botched abortion where the child was born and killed (or allowed to die without medical help) post abortion.

once again, politifact proves “facts” are not a part of its truthing.


I found this video that has many examples of Joe Biden lies throughout his career. This is what TDS elected.


This is a weird thread. Do we care about lying now?

I have ALWAYS cared about lying and I am attempting to clearly display the liar in office that YOU voted for with my goal being to resolve all Brandonites from repeating their mistake. Is it working? :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

Not really. I think it was stated nicely in some other thread that Biden isn’t defined by his lies, more by his political decisions. Trump is more associated and ridiculed for his lies because they are more closely associated with his personality as a businessman and his life choices.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhh…so that’s how the left processes their politicians. Thank you.

Now since I played a video showing many, many lies over several decades and can provide more…can you do the same with Trump? I keep hearing people repeat the garbage they’ve been fed but I don’t see the evidence proving it. Do not mention crowd sizes or the time he said he’d have a healthcare plan prior to the 2016 election. Those two…I agree. Now…have at it. You either have proof to back up what you said or you’ve been sheoplized?

We’ve heard the same thing from Trump voters for years. To paraphrase, “Yes, he’s a ■■■■■■■■■■, but I agree with his policies.”

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So what you’re actually saying is that you don’t believe the narrative that Trump lies a lot. Because if Trump did, in fact, lie a lot you would have seen more evidence of his lies. This assumes then that you’ve actively searched for evidence of Trump’s lies and haven’t found anything. Which, personally, I find it hard to believe that someone looking for evidence wouldn’t find it.

Anywho. There’s literally a Wikipedia page dedicated to cataloging Trump’s lies. Enjoy.

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You really need to find a better source. Wikipedia how funny. They lie also.

That article has 458 reference links.

Wikipedia like your president lie a lot.

You couldn’t do it…just like I said. I gave you recorded, video evidence of the horse’s ass saying it and doing so many times. You…go to Wikipedia because it’s a lie. Just run along to your next sheople trough and munch down what you’re fed and so much for applying your own mental cognizance.

Which examples/references in that exhaustive Wikipedia link are a lie?

Was it recorded? Did you hear it come from the source’s mouth? No? Why can’t you do it? Could it be you’re regurgibleating the nonsense you were fed? If you can’t back up your assertion with proof like I provided you, then it would appear that’s exactly what you’re doing.