Lies told by Biden and Trump

…from everything I’ve found, the first interview with Trump being quoted as being against it was in August of 2004 with Esquire Magazine and the war began in March of 2003. It isn’t prior but it’s not long after. Your post doesn’t mention any of the whole truth. Why not?


The only statement we have is from when he was on the Howard Stern show before the invasion. He was asked whether he supported the war and his bold response was: "Yeah, I guess so.”

But you’re missing the point, which wasn’t a general one about his lies regarding Iraq.

Instead, it was the laughable and elaborate fiction about a presidential delegation visiting him and asking for advice, which he later undermined by saying he was a private citizen and no one ever asked him his opinion at the time.

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My point is, “yeah I guess so” isn’t much of a commitment, is it? That’s what I’d label as weak and not direct positive support for the war. I also agree, it is NOT a denunciation as Trump said…which I agree is a lie. He didn’t denounce the war until just over a year later. My other point is, our media doesn’t feed it that way. They make it sound as if he was in full support and that doesn’t appear to be the case.

He made up a ridiculous and elaborate story about a presidential delegation visiting him. That’s the point.

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Do you have the links that both substantiate his saying it and later denying it? Thank you in advance.

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Yes what will happen when they are provided

Sorry, but you know I have to. Show me I’m wrong and I’ll happily admit it.

The Baltimore Bridge Gambit?

I will immediately fire any member of my administration who disrespects anyone.


it was already shown to be crap by another poster. of course youre ignoring it

cling to the narrative like dear life

What do you believe the cost to American taxpayers is a year due to illegal aliens? How much is the cost of the wall in total? Can you do the math? Whether Mexico cut the check or the American tax payer…up front…who wins and by how much in just one year? Let’s worry about the 99% of the actual expense to us and then we’ll worry about the 1%.

What do you think? Does that sound like a good idea to a lib?

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This one is particularly odious to me. I doubt Beau ever saw a burn pit.

The terrible accident he was in was more likely causal.


“Y’all have seen 4 years of each and and that you mental defectives still want either of them is the most shocking part.”
Seen in another site.

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This is just a wild take in the year of our lord 2024.

Do you think a presidential delegation visited him?

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Here’s a fun one:

At his campaign rallies, former President Donald Trump usually repeats a vague, unfounded claim: Countries worldwide are emptying their prisons and mental institutions and sending those people as migrants to the United States.

The claim’s wording and the countries included have shifted, but multiple news organizations have fact-checked different iterations and reached the same conclusion: There is no evidence that countries are emptying their prisons or mental institutions to send people to the U.S.

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And this one of course.

When this individual at the time was debatably the most influential person to the NYC skyline…I wouldn’t doubt it. It makes sense. Now do you have proof it didn’t happen?

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It’s Argentina that voted out the establishment and is flourishing as a result. Now if “we” can just get rid of our establishment and do the same, that would be great. The problem is…there’s theoretically 81 million Brandonites in the way.

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So just a few thousand of their criminals is ok? That’s the Brandonite mentality that is crushing this country.