Libs, so you think the D.C 4th of July party too expensive?

The sick thing is that his accomplices will defend him regardless.


But will there be tanks?

Anyone who can’t see this as an absurd reality tv narcissistic ego job is hopelessly lost. This president who denigrates gold star families and POWs. This president who didn’t serve because he pretended his feet hurt. This fat grease-eating lying hedonistic self-worshipping Jabba the Hut slob who had the audacity to call avoiding STDs in the 80s “his own personal Vietnam”. Any defense of this embarrassing circus will age like old soup.

I’m spending today with my dad. A Vietnam vet with PTSD who voted for Gary Johnston.


Make no mistake about it. This whole show is all about Trump being the center piece in the D.C. celebration. He has produced it to showcase him. And if he goes off script and make it political I fully expect that his campaign should repay D.C. for their expenses. They can add it to the tab of $7.2M that the campaign owes them for the inauguration. And I feel sorry for all of those Military and Secret Service folks that would have had the day off.
But what disappoints me the most is that Trump shows again that he just doesn’t get what America is all about. We don’t use the military as a prop. We don’t make shows of our military might to the world because we don’t have to. Trump is like a kid who considers this whole thing to be in honor of him.
And anybody who doesn’t think that this is all about him has not been paying attention or is too far gone believing the con.


This thread is a slaughterhouse

I’ll be tanked by mid-afternoon.


Best possible answer


One problem I have, is him saying it wont cost much cause we own the planes and its our military guys and gals. But he gets real pissy about the cost of military exercises. Sometimes. Around Korea. Cause we rent that ■■■■ maybe?

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I can’t think of a better use of our military than a parade for the president.

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These type events, for Air Force anyway, generally only send the Pilot and the plane. It is already budgeted for out of Squadron money because we have to do these cross country type flights a certain amount of times a year. For those excersise they have to send the whole squadron including all the support personnel.

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Were you? Strange.

Nothing in my post says anything about free, now does it?

Who told you libs this is a campaign event? He doesn’t even speak until 6.

And here’s another little clue for you: everything every pol does is a campaign event.

That’s a good trump supporter

“You libs” am I aloud to call you a trump supporter?

I’m very interested in this. Can the Blue Angels fly in a pilot and plane? I dont know. Not being a jerk, just curious.

But what about these “stealth” planes? They gotta be F-22s or F-35s. I know how much they cost to operate even if they fly out of Virginia.

Then there’s Air Force One. To take off and land for no reason

And tanks and AFVs transported to make him feel strong.

I could be wrong, but I’m annoyed.

Yes, you libs.

If you want to be wrong, that’s your business.

For the Blue Angles they are budgeted for so many shows a year. So this would be one. Not an additional cost. As for the Stealth planes, yes they are expensive to operate, however just like an A-10 for example they have to fly so many instrument flights(currency flights) a year. We usually do those going to and from air shows and the airshow itself like this. Similar to doing flybys at athletic events. Not sure on AF1 pilots who are AF pilots training requirements. I do know they fly outside of Presidential duties to keep their currencies up to date. Hard to do some currency related type things when POTUS is aboard.

I can not answer for the armored stuff but would think there is a cost there.

Now I know why you libs are upset. You are all jealous! Donald Trump is a rockstar. He has sex with pornstars, he gets tanks at his parties, he knows all the best people. Kanye. Nobody ever spent $100 million dollars on one of your parties, and you know nobody ever will. The American tax payers are paying for these tanks. It’s going to be epic.


I don’t know, Greek columns can’t be cheap. :rofl:

I think this is an over estimate.

The B-2 bomber could cost $700,000. Two F-22s fighters, about $300,000. The Blue Angels demonstration team, close to $320,000. And two F-35 jets, upward of $660,000.

These figures, based on a conservative analysis using Pentagon flight-cost estimates and other military data about the aircraft, highlight something the Trump administration has left murky as it plans its Independence Day celebration in Washington: how much it will cost.

Another estimate:

University of Denver professor Andrew Sherbo, who tracks such figures, said the Boeing 747 used for Air Force One could come at a cost of $205,000 an hour (the jetliner is only considered Air Force One when the president is aboard).

The cost per flying hour for the F-35 can be $20,000 or more, according to Department of Defense comptroller figures.

The Blue Angels could cost a more reasonable $6,000 per day, since air shows are tied to their training, said Sherbo, a former Pentagon official who now teaches finance.

And a third for good measure.

The F-35 costs about $30,000 per hour to fly, according to Pentagon estimates. Each Blue Angel jet costs at least $10,000 per hour to operate, and the cost of flying an Air Force One jet is more than $140,000 per hour.