Libs secretly know their agenda is trash

Which of those terms couldnt be used to describe Trump?

Where did i comment on Trump? I just find it disingenuous for the Obama, and Hilary supporting Trump-haters to throw stones in their glass houses.

Booker just violated his oath to the judicial hearing by releasing classified information! Hey , I guess your ok with Trump declassifying everything then, eh Booker?

Thank you for that! Being judged harshly by liberals is exactly the encouragement I need to verify that I am correct!

Judging people is one of the things that liberals love most. Unfortunately you’re just not very good at it. :roll_eyes:

My point is that you’re doing the exact same thing.

Obama lied in a typical POTUS fashion. 'Keep your doctor" is akin to ‘Read my lips - no new taxes’. And akin to Trump’s ‘We’ll imp[liment a new health care plan on day 1’.

But if you don’t think Trump’s lying is something completely different - and worse - then you seriously aren’t paying attention. Trump lies about just about everything.

You voted and support Trump and I’m the one who’s not good at judging people?!?

Too funny.

The “stone” in this case was cast by a Trump supporter. I find it odd that Trump supporters would be throwing stones from their glass houses.

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This entire thread is dedicated to conservatives judging liberals.

“Bring the charges!”

You’re allowed to talk about classified information during Congressional hearings as part of the speech and debate clause.

Hat tip to @Call_me_Ishmael for teaching me that one.

Bush got voted out for that lie.

Obama also publicly acknowledged he was wrong, and admitted that it was harmful to people. That is: reality asserted itself, and there was a consensus about it. We weren’t forced to live in an authoritarian world of “alternative facts” because we were ordered to.

But the idea that Trump is comparable to Obama in this context is absurd. See:


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Well you did kinda start it. I find the personal digs at my fellow posters to be gawd aweful boring. How about the judgment of democrats who decided that Hillary was a great candidate? Wow. Just wow.

And since the country is in the best shape it has been in generations, I would say my choice has been vindicated. Bigly. Yay me!:grinning:

You are going to equate being unable to get congress to move on a campaign promise before taking office, and Obama lying to the nation for months while pushing his ObamaCare plan thru congress? Sorry, they are not even remotely close to the same thing.

Trump’s failure to get congress to adopt his plans, after claiming he could, cost the American people nothing.

Obama’s lies got his ACA passed, and it’s cost nearly everyone their healthcare plans, and many people lost their doctors, and the majority saw their insurance rates skyrocket because of it.

Trump lied about the size of the crowd for his swearing in ceremony, and other nit-noid things that no one has been hurt by.

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Your allowed to talk about what has already been declassified, your not allowed to leak what is still considered classified. The President actually has executive privileged and can declassify anything he wants, but is choosing not to , to let the whole Mueller sham play out, more than likely he will declassify all of it a day or two before midterms to make democrats look silly. Booker does not have executive privileged, and he created disorder in the hearing, and should be removed.

…and it would not be proper for a president to declassify everything just because he thinks it makes him look good, and his political opponents look bad.

May not be proper, but he still has the right to.

Another Republican rage thread, for a group that has total control over government right now you all do bitch alot…