Lewandowski driving frustrated Chairman Jerry Nadler nuts




They certainly do not. A non elected staffer gets 30 minutes. An elected official gets five. That should be alarming no matter which side of the aisle you sit on.


To put this into perspective, Hillary doesn’t have to answer questions about private conversations if she doesn’t want to.

Now… would you accept that premise?

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Like with a cloth?

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He doesn’t have to drive very far since all the Dems on the committee for certifiably crazy with TDS, :crazy_face: what a bunch of morons.

If we’ve learned anything over the last year, leftist politicians know no boundaries when it comes to ruining people’s lives.

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Imagine what they will do if they gain total power again.

Libs here laugh when I said that if they take the house last Nov…they will use that to go after Trump and his supporters.

Well look what they’re doing. Doing precisely that.


Those video clips are better than Netflix!

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Never hold an impeachment that people make fun of…especially in an election year.

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Carl Rove was frog marched out of the White House.
Holder is still waiting to be released for his contempt of Congress.
Comey said he couldn’t discuss issues with Congress where there was an ongoing investigation and then he did exactly that with the media…with no criminal results.

I’ll bet Lewandowski is shaking.

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Executive privilege has been claimed by most recent Presidents.
Let the Supreme Court decide.
And then let Barr enforce.

Which libs laughed?

To have oversight of this President is exactly why the Dems took the house.

The GOP wasn’t doing it.

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I think he was there because he is planning a senate run in New Hampshire and was using it for national attention. He knew he didn’t have to say anything Mueller didn’t.

Read the whole thread.

If you really think this is harassment, you’re sadly mistaken.

Yes he did. Didn’t you watch?

He’s talking about the part where Trump was supposedly telling Lewandowski to get Sessions to restrict the areas the Special Counsel should be able to review.
The part that the DOJ has already determined was not obstruction and whether it was or not, Lewandowski’s statement has already been officially taken in the Mueller review…so that other than hoped for photo ops, this accomplishes nothing.


Apparently the notion that these people work for us is gone and Lewandosky works for Trump. He owes his loyalty to Trump, not the American people.

And his not being forthcoming with the truth in order to protect Trump is 100% ok with conservatives. Party over country.

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