Lets talk who WILL and SHOULD be Trump's next Supreme Court pick

I think he should lead with his best win or lose. He certainly shouldn’t kowtow to what Susan Collins wants.

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Not bothered at all. Made an observation. As to respect and relatedness, most people can’t name them.

Remember though that McConnell needs every vote. Hes only got 51 and that includes McCain who may or may not be able to cast a vote.

It really sucks we lost a dark red Senate seat last year due to having a terrible candidate who deserved to lose. Rs really need to flip those red seats in November.

Her gender doesn’t phase me. The fact that she might well place her religious beliefs above the Constitution does.

If CBS reporting is accurate, it looks as though she and Kavanaugh are Donald’s current favorites. I would have preferred Kethledge or even Hardiman over either, but given how often Donald changes his mind I’ll believe it when I see it.

We don’t need another Kennedy. This may be our last chance to overturn Roe for some time otherwise.


I am hoping that Trump picks Judge Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. I will not be for Judge Barrett to the Supreme Court if Trump decides to pick her.

What history in particular?

I find it baffling that Trump allegedly wants someone from Harvard or Yale. That’s not populist thinking.

In addition to the other factors I believe make Kethledge a great pick, for purely partisan reasons I’d think Trump would find him irresistible.

We all know how Trump likes to boast and taunt his opponents. Hed certainly boast and picking someone who doesn’t entirely fit the mold. And he’s likely do a rally in a red district in Michigan daring Debbie Stabenow to vote against a homegrown hero and self made success story.

She’ll vote no anyway and probably be elected again, but if nothing else could easily make that race closer than it otherwise would be.

I’ve never watched a single Trump rally but I’d get the popcorn out for that one.

Roe is not going to be overturned, ever.

And not because it is a good decision.

Every Justice is pragmatic and observant.

They just saw the most socially conservative country on the planet, Ireland, just overturn an abortion ban by a 2/3rds majority.

They known darn well that only a minority wishes a total ban on abortion.

They know that if they overturn Roe, some States will implement 100% abortion bans over the wishes of a majority of their citizens.

The conservative justices will find some excuse, ANY excuse, to stop short of a total overturn of Roe.

I would prefer Kethledge, but I, like everybody else here, will learn the answer at 8:00 pm on Monday. :smile:

The history of women judges.

When did the college of a SC nominee become a rallying cry?

Trump likes the ivy league.

I find it equally baffling that there’s so much suspicion of/disdain for the Ivy League among Trumpists, and yet Dear Leader went to U Penn (and before that Fordham, not Ivy but definitely elitist).

If Donald’s main motivation is to taunt then he’ll go with Barrett. She’s a hyper social-conservative, and young enough to potentially remain on the bench for decades after he’s long gone.

We’ll see. I notice he’s already hyping his declaration of the choice as a prime time celebrity TV extravaganza of tremendous, tremendous entertainment value. Reminds me of when Lebron James did that ridiculous hours-long “Where’s he gonna play?” media event before revealing it would be Miami.

It’s going to be overturned. Get ready for it.

What history of women judges?

I don’t disdain Ivy league (I know you aren’t calling me a Trumpist) but I’m all in favor of thinking outside the box once I awhile.

I don’t think Barrett will.be nominated this time because cocaine Mitch can’t lose a single vote and he likely would with her. No reason for any R to balk at Kethledge though. Gorsuch 2.0

Oh and yeah the reality tv show President making a prime time spectacle of this is just like him. I do believe he wants nominees who look like they came out of central casting (along with their spouses)

What puts him at risk for losing a vote with her, do you think?

Honestly, all four are solid conservative choices, and no one on the right should be disappointed with any of them.

I wouldn’t count on it, at least not any time soon.