Lets talk Joe Biden and Busing: Will this cause him to lose the nomination?

Trump is the President of the United States of America. What is Sharpton? What power does he wield that liberals feel the need to kiss his ass?

According to her age she started school about 1970. Desegregation and busing was a done deal in most places by then.

She wouldn’t be the 1st pol who lied for political gain.

Like I said. This isn’t that hard. I really don’t like to waste time.

You haven’t answered anything.

Sounds like Al Capone actually who also claimed no income.

Have a nice day.

No answer as to what power he has. I didn’t think it was a difficult question. Just want some explanation.

You didn’t answer my question - How many liberals kiss Sharpton’s ass? Do you have a number?
And your response to people kissing Trump’s ass - Its okay because he’s President? Shouldn’t Presidents be looked up to, not ass-kissed?

If you don’t know what power the president of the US has I really can’t help you any further. So, like I said, just have a nice day.

Biden’s the latest to do it. Just look at Sharpton’s history. Any time there is anything remotely related to race, they flock to him and Jackson to have “a conversation.” Why?

That’s true.

I am not a fan of Sharpton.

But then again, according to @Mountain_Soldier, I kiss Sharpton’s ass for some reason.

I was asking what power Sharpton had and why liberals flock to him. What’s his appeal?

Apparently Biden and all the democrat contenders are fans of him.

Well i wouldn’t accuse you of that for sure.

Welp, both Sharpton and Jesse Jackson have both tried, sometimes successfully, sometimes not, to bring up the inequality. Who should people turn to? Trump? David Duke? Steve King?

I don’t know. Everyone I know that is against busing is racist as all hell.

There’s a huge difference between being a fan of someone and kissing their ass.

So Sharpton is a shining beacon of virtue and purity? I thought people were just comparing him to trump… if he’s that bad, why do they flock to him? Which is it?

I don’t think the bussing issue is Biden’s problem, Biden is Biden’s problem.

I was not impressed with his performance. He seemed ill prepared, searching for words that should have come easily. Needing questions to be repeated (as did Sanders) looked like a hearing/age issue.

I will reluctantly use a Trumpism, he looked low energy to me.

No one said that Sharpton is a shining beacon of virtue and purity. You are making that up. Sharpton is a better option than Trump, right?