Let's hope this trend continues


Property taxes on a 20 million dollar apartment complex in CA is about 200k per year?

If 200 tenants live in that complex…. They are each paying 1k in property taxes.

You aren’t moving from the almighty government. You are advocating taking more money from them. :rofl:

Sure, sure.

Quote the passages relevant to this conversation and we’ll discuss them.

How do you figure. If 9K goes to a public school why can the same 9K go to a private school. Where is the deficit?

Do you not understand the difference between an American citizen, especially someone born in America, who holds a job, pays taxes and is entitled to the benefits of what their taxes provide and the rights they are Constitutionally guaranteed and someone who comes here illegally and gets these things?

You also acknowledge that government involvement in a school voucher program may well drive prices up, yet you guys insist that government involvement in every other aspect of our lives is cheaper and more efficient for us. More More More government in our lives “helping” us, making more decisions for us, making us more equal. Everything government gets involved in turns into a bureaucratic, expensive boondoggle with every layer of government that’s added.

How about this: get the government out of education! Completely! Especially the federal government. Let New York City citizens fund their schools and decide what and how to teach their kids and let Iowa citizens do the same. Get rid of the secretary and department of education. Schools used to be run like that and I’d bet 32 trillion dollars that kids came out of them far more literate, educated, and able to think than our public school system produces today.

The Lib rationale behind denying such a thing boils down to exactly what your Lib leaders are outright saying. Parents have no right or business deciding what or how their children are educated because WE KNOW BETTER! Which means they’re afraid that educated kids might grow up and realize how totally ass backward LIBISM is and might decide to run their own lives!


Because the only reason it 9k is because it’s for public schooling. Some of that money went to building the school, maintaining the school etc. The special tax was agreed upon by homeowners who purchased in the neighborhood. They did not agree to fund another school somewhere else. They want their school funded with 9k.

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read the article. The program will cost the state 340M. (I think that’s the number…)

Can only be one reason for that, they refuse to cut public school funding for educating fewer students.


Do you believe that someone should get more back in tax money than they put in? Yea or no? Like if someone pays $500 in property taxes that cover public schools, do you believe that same family should get back $7800 for school voucher?

Libs typically do… cons typically don’t. Where do you stand?

For education yes… look at the university and government insured student loan system… do you like that model?

You notice how poverty is never a problem when it’s streaming across the border? They always want that type of poverty!


Not materially different then them putting in 500 and getting 7k in public education. Everyone benefits from an educated population, whether they have children or not.

I don’t disagree. But that money is for the public school. Taxpayers in that county, city, township, neighborhood… agreed to pay a certain amount in special property taxes to fund a specific public school or district. That 9k per student is to build and maintain public schools.

If someone wants to build and maintain a private school, why should they take money out of the public school system… above what they contributed, to make another school somewhere else better?

Part of that 9k guarantees acceptance to the school. Unlike a private school. Part of that money guarantees free lunch… part of that money guarantees school counselors. Etc etc

Private schools don’t have to guarantee anything without charging for it.

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If they have vouchers now, didn’t the people in the community also vote for that?

Apartment complex owners are not making a profit.

Read the book.

“The State”

Not any more. Shouldn’t have broken the public education system.

Your system is a giant fail. Time to move on.

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Then the ones who take money out of the system only get what they put in. You pay 1k in taxes for schools, then you get 1k out to pay for private school.

You don’t get 8x your contribution to line the pockets of private industry

Talk about shooting democratic voters in the foot, ok by me, only us wealthy republicans get the full amount.

Yes I do.