Let's hope this trend continues

How does it shoot democratic voters in the foot?

9k is for public schools. Period. You want to take money out of the system to fund a private school? You get back what you put in on taxes.

As far as I know, democratic voters aren’t the primary cohort looking to move to private schools with government money.

They are however the majority of those paying little in property taxes.

That’s mostly incorrect. I guess it would depend on the area.

We were discussing red states yes?

Percent rep-dem income 100k and over
from Party affiliation among adults with a household income of $100,000 or more by state - Religion in America: U.S. Religious Data, Demographics and Statistics | Pew Research Center

Arizona 45-42
Florida 52-39
Georgia 52-37
Ohio 56-33

Sensing a trend yet?

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How would that work?

No. People should not get back more money than they pay in taxes.

Why do you believe that government in educational drives prices up, but government in everything else drives prices down?

Property taxes are not the only thing funding schools. Let’s not forget that.


Yeah, good luck with the next generation of engineers that didn’t get the right answers. No one in their right mind should want to set foot in any structure they designed or put a tire on any roadway.


5 kids in a room with a teacher.

What, in someone’s house? Bad idea.

The side of the isle calling all teachers pedos that pray on children would accept a school being operated out of someone’s home :rofl:

Private schools are the only way to move away from the failed lib policies floating in public schools. The transition from being too worried if a poptart looks like a gun to the conern of academics would be most beneficial for the student.
I shouldnt say only way because homeschool is another option but with bofh parents needing to work in this over inflated economy, that would be most difficult.


Actually, there are very few cities where there is not plenty of vacant commercial space available that is easily and relatively cheaply (compared to building new) convertible into classrooms.


You’re missing the point. First off, someone paid for your education, now it’s your turn to pay. But more importantly, the taxes you pay are to educate the kids for the good of the whole society. It does not matter if that student gets educated in a public school or a private school, but if the private school does a better job, then you and society are getting a better bang for your buck.

Remember … It’s for the kids.

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Pure conjecture.

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They forget (quite deliberately, I believe) … this is about public education, NOT public schools.



Critical thinking. Not critical theory.

If education is privatised it will go the way of health care ie. not good.
It will allow for foreign influence and as has already been proven by the Harvard scandal allow influence by money taint the education system.
If a private school is run for profit and not for the good of all in the community why should government subsidise it.
A good public school system benefits the country as a whole and it should be supported not depleted.
If parents only realised that half the crap they obsess over their kids don’t care about they’d be better off.
I mean what kid wants their parents up in arms over stuff going on in thier day to day school life stuff they regard as normal but their parents do not being of a different generation an all.

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:roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes:

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