Let's Get Something Straight Bernie

Even Obama only executed 2.


ah ok

well that’s irrelevant. professors can influence students in many other ways. this is just yet another attempt of yours to pigeonhole a narrative

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This thread is not about Trump or Kim. It’s about Sanders and Castro.

Sure you have. In El Valle?

You know, Hitler put a lot of people back to work in the late 30’s and was responsible for building a road system ahead of its time.

Don’t tell Bernie, he’ll want to talk about his good points

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Worship is an emotion born of love. A feeling of loss when a hero dies for example. Who would expect emotion to come through in an academic article?

Schwab is a temp?

Trains ran on time.

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We aren’t Castro and Che bad.

Bernie screwed the pooch on this one.

Name me a President of VP or Secretary of State who executed 150 citizens in one sitting.


That was my point. We aren’t even in the same league as Castro or Che. They were monsters and the world is better that they are being consumed by worms.

We’ve done some bad things. Every country’s leadership at one point has done things they can’t be proud of. But nothing on our end compares to what men like Castro did.


One of my closest friends lives in Lima – in Barranco.

I was questioning to a claim that Professor’s “worship” Castro and Guevara. It seems everyone who is arguing with me is taking that as a given… although it is completely unsupported. I am not trying to pigeonhole, I am trying to refute… and so far no one has backed up the “worship” claim.

It’s about the outrage being shown of Sanders admiring Castro…Just wondering if there was the same outrage of Trump showering praise on Kim Jung Un…Who has killed his people, and an American also.

I completely agree with this post.

On another note: my wife who is a free market lefty (oxymoron jokes welcome at this point), just said she’d rather four more years of the most despicable man imaginable as President, than have Bernie. She’s one voter but that sentiment is out there.


Geeze they were just social Democrats.

Start a thread on it…in fact you might find few of them here already.

This thread is about Bernie praises Castro literacy program.

If you take away Trump rhetoric you will find he isn’t some extremist or bogyman.

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There are quite a few out there. Anecdotally.